F-15C Kadena AFB. Okinawa.
21 4 October 2021, 21:34

Thank you David. It is primed now, and vertical fins are painted.
9 October 2021, 22:13

Thank you mates, and welcome Jos and WhiteGlint. Finished priming every thing today. Hope to start painting tomorrow.
10 October 2021, 21:38

Looking good Clifford 👍, I've got a Monogram Eagle on the bench also at mo. Watching yours 🙂
11 October 2021, 14:57

Needs some minor touch ups and it will be ready for final assambely.
13 October 2021, 22:39

indeed wow at the speed, lovely Eagle. another wow for a kit with such age it's still holding up fine! 😎
19 October 2021, 14:18

Clifford's aircraft manufacturing plant at full capacity 😎
Nice Eagle, Clifford! 👍
19 October 2021, 17:13

Thank you very much James, Daniel, Guillaume, Roland, Murad and WhiteGlint, your kind words are most appericated. I am afarid the factory will be slowing down. With the economy the way it is my wife has gone back to work full time, so I watch the grand kids during the day as she works nights. So kind of puts a kink in my bench time. Can only keep a 3 year old still for so long. Lol.
19 October 2021, 22:36

What ya need is a long leash attached to a tree on one end, and a collar on the other which is then attached to the 3yr old. Problem solved 😉😛
20 October 2021, 00:00

Let's hope it get better soon. I got a tree year old myself, it does take a lot of energy to keep them entertained.
20 October 2021, 01:44

Agree with both of you, But I think the 11 y/o and 13 y/o are worse than the 3 y/o. All they do is fight and bicker with each other, at least I have some peace and quiet while they are at school. Lol. I discovered something that keeps the little one entertained, The Grinch. But I suspect I will get sick of it. Lol.
21 October 2021, 00:49

Now my youngest son wants me to build him one of these from his Squadron when he was stationed at Langley AFB., so looks like I will be doing another one in First Fighter Wing markings.
21 October 2021, 00:51

And just in case I haven't said it already ,Great bird by the way. (PS. I love eagles as well )
21 October 2021, 08:36

Personally I think it is easier with kids around 10 instead of the real young ones.
I don't have kids myself but I had a hard time enteraining my nephew when he was a toddler or at least 5 years or so, but the older he got the easier he was to handle and to entertain, especially after he contracted scale modeling from me. 😄
21 October 2021, 14:41

@ David, Phantom's are my favorite, and thank you for your kind words on the Eagle. I hope the next one turns out as nice. @WhiteGlint, you are probally right. My 3 year old granddaughter loves airplanes though, She often asks if she can help me, what a disaster that would be. Maybe a couple of years. All my older grand kids are worried about is video games and cell phones. Lol.
21 October 2021, 14:50

''All my older grand kids are worried about is video games and cell phones. Lol.''
That's a good reason tools in their hands while they are still young. One thing I use to do with my daughter when she was 6, was to let her paint with the airbrush using some water based paint from the dollar store. We would paint a cheap dinosaurs or any other small toys. Of course you are stuck with cleaning it afterward, but water paint is easy to clean.
21 October 2021, 16:32

Thank you very much Mathieu, for your kind words they mean a lot. I am a big Monogram fan, they had some really nice kits.
3 November 2021, 14:48
Album info
Monogram's 1/48 F-15C.