A pair of F-104 Starfighters.
33 26 July 2022, 23:07

Quick update, all decals applied, hope to get the final clear coat on tomorrow, and start weathering. Pictures soon. Hasegawa F-104C started.
1 August 2022, 00:41

I got the cockpit of the Hasegawa "C" primed today and added some scratch built stuff to the cockpit sidewalls, and primed that also.
4 August 2022, 23:23

Your Canuck looks far better than the one I did. Next one I do, I am taking a different approach of the fuselage joins.
5 August 2022, 00:15

Final detail stuff for the "C" came in the mail today, so I can get re-started on it.
9 August 2022, 00:46

Quick update. I finally got some primer on the "C" model. Pictures soon I hope.
25 August 2022, 23:03

Have not given up on this one, progress is slow. To many other things going on. The different metal shades on the fuselage are painted, and the wings and tip tanks are painted. Hope to get it clear coated and decals on soon.
30 August 2022, 23:45

I'd love to do a Starfighter - either in german or canadian livery. If there only weren't so many other unfinished projects. Yours look good.
12 September 2022, 22:54

Thank you very much Michael. Your kind words are much appericated.
13 September 2022, 01:42

Thank you very much Augie. Tjis one is also finished except for the seat. I will get some pictures up tomorrow.
16 September 2022, 00:51
Album info
Monogram/Revell and Hasegawa's 1/48 scale F-104's. One RCAF and one USAF.