Vega model 5 "Lady Lindy"
63 20 November 2022, 07:11

I'm watching with interest. I am temporarily not working on my Carl Benjamin Eielson and George Hubert Wilkins model project.
21 November 2022, 06:38

...the Special Hobby folks used these exact molds to create an Amelia Earhart version....the fact the windows need to be filled in is sort of glossed over.....
...however, their decal guide states none of the wing decals or tail decals were present for the Atlantic Ocean crossing...just the gold striping....a sort of bare and austere but totally red model...., the local modeler decided the inspection windows on wing bottoms will need to be drilled, cut and sanded out, with some appropriate gizmology (just added to dictionary) installed behind them with a clear covering....the wings will need something....and, this is accurate after a fashion and will be added to the no holds barred Canadian floatplane version underway....
23 November 2022, 05:25

I have Earharts Electra in my stash. So anxious about this one too.
18 December 2022, 12:30

REBOOT...the paint laid down well and much is fine...but, the windows, designed to leave a slight impression like the original...just did not work and will be filled in and leveled...the wing had fit issues as well...and i didn't like the canopy result...other than issues....kidding aside, it all will get stripped off and redone...
19 December 2022, 20:58

I'm not sure if it is the lighting in the photos, but that red looks a little too orange to me.
20 December 2022, 01:46

The windows on the wings might look better if you cut them out and fill them with clear epoxy or glue-in-glaze.
20 December 2022, 01:51

That's serious modelling going on here - I am really impressed already! Keep it up, LR!
20 December 2022, 07:12

thanks all....its not fun to reboot but it is necessary.
...the inspection holes were tried by cutting them out but i did not do it well...then i tried, paint was the answer for this middling modeler...
....maybe the mix should be more RED than Insignia RED...i will adjust the mix a bit...
20 December 2022, 08:05

I cross my fingers. That some kit makers don't bother to adjust molds or give respective information holds true for Special Hobbys Lockheed Electra Model 10 too. To create a version Amelia Earhart flew, you too have to figure out, which panels to add, which windows to close, which get the point.
20 December 2022, 08:24

I quit making the Dora Wings 1/48 scale Earhart Vega due to no inspection windows and many other complaints....the engine was good, though...
20 December 2022, 08:33 is hard to imagine how the orginal Vega looked when Amelia Earhart touched down after the famous Atlantic trip (with a 4000 foot uncontrolled drop over the ocean)...
....but it had no Lockheed painting on it and, upon reflection, i bet the red was a bit more red/scarlet than the plane in the Smithsonian...which was how it looked after the Lockheed people repainted it...
...a more subdued RED may be called for altogether...
20 December 2022, 11:43

...if the views of the future for modeling are correct....a 3D decal of that window, complete with gizmology behind it and reflections, etc....will be provided as a file we all print and lay down as a 3D decal....
...sign me up....
20 December 2022, 11:54

...check this out...
20 December 2022, 11:55

About the windows. I have a similar drama. The version I'm trying to create has windows at the bottom and only a few at the top. And to complete the drama, the door is not visible in any photo. Apparently, customers had a lot of freedom when ordering the machine.
20 December 2022, 18:22

You are a brave modeler to take on so many changes in this small scale.
20 December 2022, 21:50

I assume you have seen this link...
20 December 2022, 22:00

The color in the video is a little closer to your model than in the 29 photos from the Smithsonian's website. Just a touch more red should do the trick, but it's hard to say how close these restorations are. I would assume that they have done extensive research.
20 December 2022, 22:13

These videos are great! Never stumbled on them in all the searches.....great closeups...
20 December 2022, 22:27

Nice ! I'm presently reading the excellent book from Richard Sanders Allen and i'm dreaming of Vegas...
31 December 2022, 23:43

I finally read the fine print of the VMS varnish on their website (or any varnish?)......3-4 days to 75% durability and TWO WEEKS to final durability...i waited 24 hours...anyway,,,,the paint has been stripped off where the issue was and it will get repainted....
1 January 2023, 07:05

beautiful work looking good ,I haven't been able to locate the special hobby kit would like to build one
10 January 2023, 04:19

The kits are no longer made but there are still some on EBay
there are other VEGA 5 versions by MPM using the same molds....i have extra decals...if you PM me, i will send some to you.
10 January 2023, 04:51

The color now looks really spot on. The surface seems to be still a bit grainy.
10 January 2023, 07:18

You have produced a beautiful aircraft with great fidelity to detail. Congratulations on a job well done.
18 June 2023, 09:45

Thanks mates! Love your feedback
The cockpit glass is painted on the inside
20 June 2023, 04:40
Album info
...the Amelia Earhart Vega with a bold red paint scheme..
Construcción de grupo

Vega 5
1. Noviembre 2022 hasta 31. Diciembre 2023
1. Noviembre 2022 hasta 31. Diciembre 2023