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4. Modellbauaustellung Marinetechnikschule Parow

Event details

4. Modellbauaustellung Marinetechnikschule Parow
Parow DE
This year we´ll start the 4th modelling Expo at the MTS Parow, taking part during the 21st TdoT.
So the Barrack will be open to everyone and there will be a lot to see.

Again we´re having a lot of models from all branches.
Ships (of course 😉), tanks, planes, figures, a.s.o., a.s.o.
In 2014 we´ve had over 6,000 visitors at this day.
There will also be a tombola, collecting money for the "Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe".

Just like the years before, according to the public event, the complete naval school will be open for visitors. Including the complete machinery- and weapons-department.
With a lot of static and dynamic displays from army, airforce, police and also the Marineflieger.

Here´s a link to some pictures of the last 2 years:
19. TdoT Marinetechnikschule Parow | Album by Graf Spee
3. Modellbauaustellung Marinetechnikschule Parow | Album by Graf Spee

If you're willing to participate as exhebitor, please use the contact-adress given below.

tdot-marinetechnikschule at
The event has no contest
Entrance fees:


22. August 2015
Opening hours:
10:00 to 16:00


Pappelallee 24
18445 Parow
Parking options:
- Exhibitor: inside the barrack
- Visitors: outside or at Stralsund (free Boat-Shuttle)


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Similar events

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News Feed

Mathias Carl
Der Hallenplan ist fertig:
16 August 2015, 17:29
Mathias Carl
will attend
22 February 2015, 14:09
Mathias Carl Author
Es ist wieder mal soweit.
Der Termin steht fest.
Ich bin schon auf jeden Fall gespannt.
 22 February 2015, 14:09