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Kierre aloitti Dizzyduck

David H
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
17 kuvien
Three Little BirdsView album, image #1
First up the monogram cockpit, with the bottom half of the seats moulded in but some nice detail on the consoles as well...
1:72 F-4B/N Phantom II 'Screaming Eagles' (Hasegawa 00151)1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Revell 03941)1:72 F-4J "Aardvarks" (Fine Molds FP43S)
15 6 November 2023, 22:14
Very cool, these kinds of builds are always fascinating. Looking forward to seeing how they compare
 6 November 2023, 22:30
Łukasz Gliński
Following, curious how the classic Monogram will look in comparison
 7 November 2023, 14:41
David H kirjailija
I'm also curious about my plans to reinstate the raised panel lines once I've destroyed them. No rescribing going on here.
 7 November 2023, 20:08
I'm taking a seat.
 17 January 2024, 09:44
David H kirjailija
Welcome Nicolas. I'll be taking this slowly , probably building one at a time with a big reveal at the end. But who knows how it will end up ,after all, it's meant to be fun !! 🤣
 17 January 2024, 10:01
Following. The Monogram / Revell Cockpit looks the best..?
 6 March 2024, 19:36
David H kirjailija
DerMattes. I would say definitely yes 👍🏻
 7 March 2024, 01:15
David H kirjailija
Thanks for the like @Duster
 7 March 2024, 08:36
David H kirjailija
Thankyou for the like @Lukas 👍🏻
 7 March 2024, 17:17
David H kirjailija
So this has stalled a little bit , due to errors (wrecked the port stabilator and had to scratch a new one , 2 lost bits and pieces (lost 1 of the the flaps, now thankfully turned up) 3.other projects.;4. A change of plan.

I'm taking photos as I go but will post them when all 3 birds are finished to give a better "side by side" comparison

Thankyou to all of still following this 👍🏻
 20 April 2024, 10:26

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