
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
1 5 January, 10:03

All available and many more on the link below, Richard has made it clear on his web page these are for PERSONAL USE by modellers and NOT FOR USE COMMERCIALLY
5 January, 10:08

Added a new album with link to " print your own decals" hope this is of use to those of you that " print your own"😁
For those that don't know of Richard J Caruana.
For those that don't know of Richard J Caruana.
5 January, 10:02
December 31, 2024

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19 kuvien
This is not all it's cracked up to be …
Cracking across the tail decals. The gray smear is where I’d already started removing paint then though I really should ...
projekti: Phantom FG1 “Colonial Navy “
Kaikki kommentit (20) » 14 15 October 2024, 15:59

I actually think this is a good thing because of potential misalignment from the decal printer. Printing presses print every color separately and it's quite a hassle to align all the different colours. By splitting decals this way the printers shift responsibility for perfect alignment to the modeller instead of themselves. 😉 But seriously, I'd rather center those red dots myself than have to look at a botched decal coming off a sheet.
1 31 December 2024, 15:48

Hadn't looked at it that way. I seen too many unusable decals because of misalignment so maybe I should think good idea.. that said the revell tricolour rounded I have are perfect 😉 thinking about it, if the blue and white aren't centred , as long as the overlap is enough it won't make any difference. I can see the third colour has to be spot on or issues arise 👍🏻
2 31 December 2024, 17:53
December 13, 2024

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18 kuvien
F104c “snoopy sniper”
Surprisingly I was expecting the master pitot to be a drop in fit but no. You have to fit the kit plastic pitot, cut it ...
projekti: Snoopy Put that gun down !
Kaikki kommentit (19) » 40 1 March 2024, 18:11

Cheers mr D and Michael. The reason I put them both in the one build is that they are both the same airframe just at different points in their careers.
13 December 2024, 18:34
December 2, 2024
November 28, 2024

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7 kuvien
VMFA-212 Lancers
Wrong stabs , all that raised detail will have to go and I’ll have to create a slotted edge somehow. ps, it’s not really...
projekti: F4j VMFA 212 Lancers
1 22 November 2024, 08:57

This kit was bought as " believed complete" from eBay. What it actually is complete but with reservations. Incorrect stabs, they're from and fg1 boxing ( wished I'd known BEFORE doing the FAA rebuild ) . So they're first to be fixed before going any further.
This entails sanding off all the raised detail and creating the slotted leading edge. Let's see how that goes .
22 November 2024, 09:03

Beautifully printed sheet of a hard to find subject. Unfortunately Microscale have made some glaringly large (pun intended) errors.
First up are the stars and bars. These are way too large. More 1/32 than 1/48. In fact they are larger than those on the Hasegawa 1/32 skyhawk. In addition, on my sheet the blue looks a little to light in shade
Secondly , the “MARINES” text is too large and the wrong font.
On the plus side, the carrier is minimal and the printing is perfectly in register.
My Opinion:
Only worth buying if “MUST” have this airframe or if you have plenty of spares to replace the glaring errors. But if you do , it will result in a model in rarely seen livery
28 November 2024, 11:31

omistaa tämän kohteen
22 November 2024, 08:45

Great printing but the "MARINES" font is totally wrong and the stars and bars are the same size as my 1/32 skyhawk 🤣 so also unusable. I got these dirt cheap (now I know why) . So basically don't waste your money unless you have plentiful spare decals (fortunately I do ).
28 November 2024, 11:17
November 21, 2024
November 8, 2024
October 27, 2024
October 22, 2024
October 14, 2024

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Kaikki kommentit (58) » 50 30 October 2021, 18:20

This effect of paint is definitely annoying, but that doesn't detract from the great result of your work!
14 October 2024, 18:35
September 8, 2024
May 27, 2024
April 20, 2024

lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
17 kuvien
Three Little Birds
First up the monogram cockpit, with the bottom half of the seats moulded in but some nice detail on the consoles as well...
projekti: Three Little Birds
Kaikki kommentit (10) » 15 6 November 2023, 22:14

So this has stalled a little bit , due to errors (wrecked the port stabilator and had to scratch a new one , 2 lost bits and pieces (lost 1 of the the flaps, now thankfully turned up) 3.other projects.;4. A change of plan.
I'm taking photos as I go but will post them when all 3 birds are finished to give a better "side by side" comparison
Thankyou to all of still following this 👍🏻
20 April 2024, 10:26
April 5, 2024
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