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84 14 February 2024, 19:00

Thanks Maciej! The kit is rather modest compared to what you can get nowadays, but I'll do what I can 😄
15 February 2024, 08:12

As impressive as some of the newer kits are, they all seem like you can only ruin them or have to build them to perfection. The old ones, you can improve even you are not the best modeller around, like me. Impressive what you already did on this kit, looking forward to the finished model! 👍
25 February 2024, 13:18

Many thanks for the encouragement DerMattes, Nicolas. At some point I will run out of old kits in my 40 yr-old stash and will have to tackle new ones! 😨
26 February 2024, 08:01

Love seeing all these old kits been given some TLC. They are a real test of skill and you make them all look beautiful Alberto. 🙂
29 April 2024, 12:45

It is vintage indeed, but with a bit of patience they can scrub up well 🙂 Thanks Clement!
25 May 2024, 06:17

Ok , at first glance I thought this was a modern kit GWH etc , then I saw "raised" panel lines and realised what an incredible job you've done on this old bird . 👏
25 May 2024, 08:44

Thanks mates for the encouraging comments, they are very much appreciated!
26 May 2024, 04:47