mittakaavan mallintamistietokanta | stash manager
John Boyle (JBell47)



John Boyle
haluaa tämän tuotteen
Livestock Set II
Tamiya 1:35
35385 (385) 2023 Uusi työkalu Multi-aihe (5)
2 October 2024, 19:33

August 24, 2024

John Boyle
merkitsi tämän tuotteen kaupallisesti / myytävänä
Bell 47D MASH Helicopter
MRC (Model Rectifier Corporation) 1:35
BA102 1994 Uusi työkalu
Hinta ei ole vielä saatavilla
24 August 2024, 01:12
John Boyle
merkitsi tämän tuotteen kaupallisesti / myytävänä
M*A*S*H 4077th Bell H-13H Helicopter
Revell 1:35
04404 1995 Uusi laatikko
24 August 2024, 01:09
John Boyle
merkitsi tämän tuotteen kaupallisesti / myytävänä
Bell 47D MASH HL
Academy 1:35
2194 (FA191) 2002 Uusi laatikko
24 August 2024, 01:08

July 5, 2024

John Boyle
valmistunut tämä esine
Aerial Missile Transporter
Adams 1:40
K-158 1958 Uusi työkalu
5 July 2024, 20:45

July 1, 2024

John Boyle
haluaa tämän tuotteen
Douglas C-124C Globe Master II
Sanwa 1:240
135 1963 Uusi työkalu
1 July 2024, 04:49
John Boyle
haluaa tämän tuotteen
Douglas C-124C Globe Master II
Sanwa 1:240
135 1963 Uusi työkalu
1 July 2024, 04:49

June 10, 2024

John Boyle
Just remember, the Bell 47 / H-13 variant produced by thus kit is incorrect for a Korean War era helicopter.
M*A*S*H 4077th Bell H-13H Helicopter
Revell 1:35
04404 1995 Uusi laatikko
10 June 2024, 04:52

April 15, 2024

John Boyle
Also available pre built in red with decal from "Whirlybirds" TV series 1957-59/111 episodes.
I have been told it was sold as a premium from a bread company in Los Angeles.
It also could have been offered by various companies in different cities. Whirlybirds was syndicated to local TV stations, not broadcast by a network (though it was produced for CBS TV), so it had different sponsors in different areas. So the model could have been offered by other firms.
Bell H-13-E Helicopter
Saunders-Swadar 1:40
195* Uusi työkalu
15 April 2024, 04:36


2024-04-15 04:36:45

2022-06-30 03:17:13


/ajax/wnolder.php?lang=fi&sd=2024-04-15 04:36:45&md=2022-06-30 03:17:13&filter=&w=115886
