projektitRyhmittele: Aihe Status Valmiit aloitti A » ZTulokset löytyvät: 2 BMP-2 ajoneuvot » APC / IFV: t | 1980–NytPeacekeepers force BMP-21:35ideat3+BMP-2 Русская армия (Russian Army 1992-now)645elokuu 2008 Georgia Conflict - South Ossetia black, grey, dark green camouflage with “MS” roundel Mil Mi-8 Hip Ilma-alus » helikopterit | 1961–NytMi-8 MT Cuba air force1:48ideatMil Mi-17 Hip-H Defensa Anti-Aérea y Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria (Cuban Revolutionary Air and Air Defense Force 1959-now)3840 Esc. de Helicopteros Black 1172020 - Holguin Airfield /fi/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=128022&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB128022&page=projects