Bozzer I'll hang out, to see this done. Personally, I would've left the exhaust manifolds off, until I painted the engine, but we all do things differently? Let's go! 🙂
1 5 January, 16:22
Chris Parsons Dash looks a job well done!
Brings back all the memories of working on these things. Common failure was the head light switch/ dash mount melting from behind and coming loose from the fastening screws so when you went to turn on the headlights you'd push the headlight switch into the dash.
But that's another topic.
Well done sir
Chris Parsons Looks like a 90's S-10 with a 4.3Litre V-6. I've worked on hundreds of the real ones, agreed the instructions are looking kinda goofy, I see a mixing stick being shown attached to the floor but an auto trans. column shifter on the column. The picture you show of the power team shows what looks like a 700 R4 (maybe a 4L90e?? automatic) so I'd suggest not attaching the floor shifter (you likely already knew that)
On the real trucks with a 4.3 the left centre and rear spark plugs were virtually imposssible to change without some major f*uckery due to the steering column intermediate shaft angle. If the model is close to accurate you may find the engine could foul on the steering column, if so it's not a problem with the kit, it's following the prototype.
You're doing a great job here, keep it up!
1 28 December 2024, 15:39
Gundamn0080kirjailija Thanks, that's some great info to have! The manual actually suggests cutting off the column shifter, which I'm probably gonna do just because I like how floor shifters look more (having one myself). Hopefully I don't run into the steering column trouble! It didn't _seem_ like a worry from the instructions but you never know til it comes time to actually fit the stuff together....
28 December 2024, 19:36
Gundamn0080kirjailija y'know what, I just looked at the dash with fresh eyes and realized there's no clutch! So I guess I will have to leave out the floor shifter.
Er...well, I cut the column shifter off already, so maybe instead I craft a clutch.
How do i deal with seam lines on really detailed pieces with lots of raised details? It is too obvious to ignore but if i sand away the detail around it that won’t look much better…
18 December 2024, 12:31
Ben M You can use masking tape to protect adjacent detail