mittakaavan mallintamistietokanta | stash manager
Red Dog (Reddog0800)



Red Dog
haluaa tämän tuotteen
Revell 1:144
04257 (80-4257) 2005 Uudet tarrat
20 January, 19:18
Red Dog
haluaa tämän tuotteen
Grumman HU-16B Albatross
Revell 1:72
4380 1989 Uudet tarrat
20 January, 19:12

January 17, 2025

Red Dog
omistaa tämän kohteen
Sturmgeschütz III Ausf.G (Sd.Kfz.142/1) Frühe Version
Tamiya 1:35
35197 (197) 1995 Uusi työkalu
17 January, 04:32

January 16, 2025

Red Dog
and Nik Watson are now mates.
16 January, 11:12

January 15, 2025

Red Dog
just joined this community.
Kaikki kommentit (10) » 3 January, 03:01
Red Dog kirjailija
Absolutely understand mate,, Home is Darwin Northern Territory of Australia now, just getting back into modelling after many years, I had a quick look at your profile and see we do share a lot of common interests WWII Military vehicles and aircraft have always been some of my favourites. one of the great things about living in Darwin is i get to see a lot of Military aircraft ships and vehicles we have a big defence presence here in the top end of Australia, we have a great aviation museum great by Australian standards anyway Nothing like the British ones but we have a B52 and an Aardvark and we have an air show every 2 years called operation pitch black.
I went to Bovington a few years ago for Tiger day bloody loved it, have you been down there?
 15 January, 17:35
Nik Watson
Nice one, as you say we've got common interests. A few years ago well, before my return to modelling me and the missus were down near Bovington but, we visited the nearby Monkey Sanctuary! We have said that we'll get to the museum (well, one of us did) and I'm very much looking forward to spending ages looking at the exhibits. I recently spent an afternoon driving around the country lanes near us in my mates Kubel Wagen that he's been restoring, it was cold but, bright and we both enjoyed the opportunity to get out in a truly historic vehicle. If I can suss out how to do it, I'll post some pictures.
Take care Mate, Watto.
1  15 January, 23:09

January 13, 2025

Red Dog
omistaa tämän kohteen
Kübelwagen Type 82 Africa Corps
Tamiya 1:35
35238 1999 Uudet osat
13 January, 10:30

January 11, 2025

Red Dog
Added a new review for:
Panzer Camouflage Volume I (Igor Donchik Art 1)
Panzer Camouflage Volume I Wermacht Divisions Camouflage Patterns in WWII
Panzer Camouflage No. 1
Igor Donchik
11 January, 06:10
Red Dog
omistaa tämän kohteen
Sd.Kfz. 173 Jagdpanther
Revell 1:76
03232 2009 Uudet tarrat
11 January, 05:50
Red Dog
changed his profile picture.
11 January, 05:11

January 4, 2025

Red Dog
omistaa tämän kohteen
Leopard 2A6M+
Revell 1:35
03342 2023 Uudet osat
4 January, 18:18
Red Dog
haluaa tämän tuotteen
Tiger I Early Production Battle of Kharkov
Dragon 1:35
6950 2020 Uudet osat
4 January, 00:52


2025-01-04 00:52:28

2025-01-03 02:59:37


/ajax/wnolder.php?lang=fi&sd=2025-01-04 00:52:28&md=2025-01-03 02:59:37&filter=&w=149573
