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SCM Features
Feature Requests (SCM Features)



scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Declare war to the scraper hitting the website like crazy from 1000+ different IP’s
4 19 March, 17:20
Started; this is going to be fun!!!!
3  19 March, 17:21
Trude Barkhorn » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I would like a way to select a default search category for the top right search bar in my preferences. It very often defaults to "Projects" for me which is a bit annoying as I mostly use it to search for kits.
1 19 March, 09:36

March 18, 2025

JohnnyEP » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
The way the categories (stash, started, completed, wishlist etc) are a bit too…chaotic. Could you narrow it down a bit or allow us to create our own method of organization? I would like my collections(built, building and unbuilt) and wishlist a certain way, with everything in it’s place..not the mess it is now with a category for each gundam/zoid when filtering for gundam or zoids or having everything mashed together by default. I’d like to be able to go: ok i have gunpla, let’s lump all of the gundams together by default(in whichever category i am in be it stash, completed etc) and then i can organize them into sub categories like hg, rg, mg, fm, pg. or by season. Got zoids here and they are all together by default(not mixed in with the gundams) and i can create sub categories to organize them by marking plus or which company. Then kamen rider there, again: all together. Could create sub categories for figure rise standard, figure rise 6, master grade, pbandai. Megaman doesn’t have the annoying million categories for each character but the option to make sub categories for each brand of kit would be nice and it’s missing a few kits(nightmare zero which is out, black zero which will be out this month, white axl for pre order, bass.exe for preorder mega man 11 pile driver, mega man 11 scramble thunder, and all the premium charge shot versions). Sorry if this comes off as rude or too much. I just took a look at my lists and it was a nightmare for my brain with how scattered everything is with no way to adjust(also the ultraman vs kamen rider filter doesn’t even show kamen rider, only ultraman)
18 March, 06:17

March 17, 2025

Francky » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Implement a color picker in the paints section, pointing towards the nearest modelling paints.

I know, it will never be perfect but it may be helpfull.
Kaikki kommentit (11) » 6 9 January 2023, 16:02
can you share the URL when you get that message?
 17 March, 10:28
found the issue 👍
1  17 March, 19:43

March 16, 2025

René (Lord Bilbo) Bartholemy » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Strange, my latest album (about Fieseler Fi103 V-1 Fieseler Fi103 A/B (V-1) as seen in the Royal Military Museum in Brussels | Album by petitbilbo (1:32)) doesn't seem to appear anywhere in the Newsfeed.
On the other hand, some people managed to click the like button (I get a message about it), but part of those don't appear in the album either...
16 March, 14:32
René (Lord Bilbo) Bartholemy
Weird, seems fixed now. 😉
1  16 March, 17:02
Starbase101 » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
A bug in the Markings section when adding/editing a kit. Click the "Add option" button once, you correctly get a dropdown for the Topic (on a multi-topic database entry). Click the "Add option" button again, you get no Topic dropdown, the second new option added starts with Subject instead of Topic. You need to save changes after each new marking added in order to have access to the Topic field. I don't think it's supposed to be like that.
2 20 December 2022, 02:58
this is fixed!
1  16 March, 10:28

March 13, 2025

Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
When i go to contribute page, I see the kits that i have that are missing instructions in the database. but for the looks of it, the page only shows first 15. every time I scan a new one and add it to the database, I see a new kit appearing in the page. It will help a lot if we can see the complete list and be able to pick several ones in one go (for example if you do not have them all in the same room)..... please correct the page to show them all. maybe a limit of 3000 or something, like when you see your stash, etc. that will not be a problem for most of us 😉 . if the query in the database makes that page slow, and you want to keep it fast for those that only want to add new kits, materials, tools etc, then show the 15 it does now, and add a button to show the rest for those who need it.
Kaikki kommentit (10) » 2 13 October 2024, 22:38
there is now a "show all" button 👍
1  13 March, 18:00
great, ir works! thanks!
 13 March, 18:42
tyu » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
At the contribute page there is a list of Missing Instruction sheets. Would it be possible to have a button there that shows all current items in your stash missing the instruction sheets, like a "show all"? In my case some listed in the current format are temporary unavailable like being in storage, a button as suggested might yield some entries requiring a manual to be uploaded since they would be available to me at the time. Not to mention uploading of manuals should get some more active encouragement since one of the displayed kits in my list missing a manual had 63 members having it in their stash and nobody uploaded it. I am targeting to do 1 a day but soon I will be running out of easy targets because I have no overview of missing manuals that are in my stash, only the ones provided in the list under the contribute tag. Thank you for considering.
Kaikki kommentit (6) » 1 10 March, 16:33
there is now a "show all" button 👍
1  13 March, 18:01
great, ir works! thanks!
 13 March, 18:42
Clement » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
When on an item page, if this item has been used in a lot of project, only a limited amount of projects are displayed (9-10). Could we add a "Show all projects" or "All projects" button like we have for other parts of any item page?
Thanks in advance.
2 12 March, 10:54

Please check Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I (Tamiya 61119, 1:48)

3  13 March, 17:43
Fantastic, thank you very much!
1  13 March, 18:16

March 9, 2025

Dave213 » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Many Airfix quick build products are listed here, which are not truly scale models but "Lego"-esque.

What about products from Cobi who offer many more, and arguably better/more relevant, products than Airfix?
8 March, 16:23
matsal _
What is the "truly scale model"? As technology improves, toys for kids are getting better details than old traditional scale model kits. The border is so personal and subjective. You may represent the main audience of this site, but you can also respect the new hobbyists, too. It's a keen issue.
Some people may upload a few off-topic kits to this site. I guess that they may leave soon because there are better wiki pages for their specific brands.
 9 March, 01:13

March 8, 2025

matsal _ » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I have a question about some type of reboxed kit.

When another maker reboxes the original kit, they should use the same mold and produce the same runner as the original. However, the decals don't need to be the same. In the recent Academy reboxed kits, which originated from Zvezda, Academy includes very similar but different decals made in Korea.

- The same decal parts and the same decal instructions
- Moved each decal part for better productivity.
- Different decal printers with different characteristics, such as thickness, flexibility, adhesion strength, activation time, and color of the release paper.

If it is a game, it is not a remake game, but a remastered game.

When I added new kits, I used "Reboxed/Changed decals" instead of "Reboxed/Changed box only." I think neither of them are clear for the Academy cases. I would say that the new decals are significantly better than the old Zvezda decals, but they are fundamentally the same shaped and colored decals. Only workability is different. What do you think about the categories?
8 March, 05:28

March 6, 2025

Martin Oostrom » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
On builds with more or longer comments, it can take a while to reach the most recent comment. We already have a ‘go to top’ button. It would be nice to have it’s sister ‘go to bottom’ as well.
Kaikki kommentit (9) » 9 1 November 2024, 07:47
Peter Hardy
I always feel uncomfortable when Martin comes up with a reasonably sensible idea.
2  6 March, 21:17
Greg Baker
That does set off alarm bells...
1  6 March, 21:57
tyu » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
When editing a color there is a green button "Pick color from screen" that either does not work or it works in a way I don't understand. Currently I use Instant Eyedropper but the output cannot be pasted directly in the 3 RGB fields but I have to do that manually. Output generated is 61, 74, 48 . So comma seperated with a space. Also has option for TAB separated and ENTER separated. None work to fill in the 3 RGB fields with 1 click. Could you please make the green button "Pick color from screen" functional or change the input so it accepts one of the formats generated by Instant Eyedropper. Thank you for help.
Kaikki kommentit (10) » 1 6 March, 13:26
Same issue:
MRP-396 Sand/Tan (FS33711), MR.Paint Satin, Acrylic Lacquer, 30ml
 6 March, 19:15
removed ( and ) and it works again
1  6 March, 19:26

March 5, 2025

David Fuller » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Would love to see a feature where we would get a notification when a new item is added to the system that is related to an item in my stash. For example, I would love to be notified when a new canopy mask is added to the database for an older kit that I currently have listed as in my stash.
5 March, 22:30
Thomas T » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Is it possible to include a switch for the 'News Feed', where 'owns this item', ' wants this item', 'marks this item as ...' can be filtered out?
Thanks a lot Thomas
4 March, 20:55
just select "Show: Popular" on top of the page, below the header.
 4 March, 21:02
Thomas T
Thank you bughunter. Unfortunately does not work for me. Does still show all the wanted, new, unwanted items.
 4 March, 21:19
Ah, have read it today from another user too: switch once to All and back to Popular, this should help.
 4 March, 21:21
Thomas T
This does help, thanks!
 5 March, 05:47

March 4, 2025

Mike Bird » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
The "Author" tag doesn't appear on Feature requests threads. It feels useful in this context too.
2 March, 14:50
thus seems a duplication of SCM Newsfeed
 4 March, 16:31
Mike Bird
No, this one is about the "author" tag never appearing on feature requests threads and it applies whether the user is logged in or not. The linked feature request is about the tag not appearing on albums (where it normally does appear) when the user is logged out.
 4 March, 16:43
I see, you are right. this one is a good idea, the other one, I am 50/50, let's see what Tim thinks 🙂
 4 March, 16:48
Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
personal comments added to kits can only be added when you have them in stash, on order etc, but not in wishlist. a comment can be added moving the item to stash, but then it is not visible when moved back to wishlist. when back to stash, on order etc, the comment appears again. I understand that in whishlist the state may not make much sense, but then the comments should be made available when in wishlist status. and it will be great if the comments are visible when looking at wishlist/on order/stash views. for example i can have several items in wishlist, and add comments about which is is more interesting or addecuate, but currently I can only see them when i enter the details of each kit. this could be something that is enabled disabled for each user since many people may not use the personal comments.
2 9 February, 21:10
it will be also interesting to see the personal comments in the Project inventory. unless the comments are really long, there should be space to see it there. if the comment is too long, maybe a + sign to show those longer than what should fit left of "Stash 1×|Projects 1×"
1  9 February, 21:28
Yes ? No ? Maybe?
 4 March, 16:45
Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
if I click to edit a comment on mobile version, if i have more tha a couple of words, I can only edit part of the comment. the box continues to the right and it is ot possible to reach the part that falls out of the screen..... only option is to turn the screen, so I can see it all
when you enter a comment, it is ok, you see several lines. but if you try to edit, then you can not.
11 October 2024, 20:44
this seems to happen when editing comments rs I the newsfeed. and not with all postings. for example I can edit my previous post in thus thread, but not post at 22:29 in Finished - With a little help from a friend | Album by Christian Bruer (1:72) (when in the newsfeed)
 11 October 2024, 20:47
when editing second post of this thread, ihave the problem as well, or this one too, but first is ok
 11 October 2024, 20:48
Yes ? No ? Maybe?
 4 March, 16:44
Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
in the stash statistics, we can filter by completed, etc. It will be great to have filter for full kits, detail sets, paints, books.... maybe as a second line of buttons. and in any case, thanks for all the hard work!!!
6 November 2024, 21:58
Yes ? No ? Maybee?
 4 March, 16:43
A L » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi, thanks a lot for your great website, so wonderful for our hobby!
So a suggestion about paints:
Would be nice to be able to make difference between old and new reference of Vallejo paints. There's now new Game / Model and Model Air with new formula but same reference. I got a lot of "double" (one old, one new) to make some test. Would be great to add maybe a "N" to notice it's "new" ones and/or "O" for "old reference" 🙂
4 March, 16:34

March 3, 2025

bughunter » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Is it possible to suppress generation of smileys in comments, if this is a link? Or is it possible to mark this as code somehow manually?
If I put a link to wikipedia for example the link gets destroyed: commons.wikimedia.or..ry🤔imson_Duo
1 3 March, 19:15
NorK » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Is there any possibility / setting to exclude "owns this item" entries from being listed in the "News Feed"?
(rem: as a reader and not the person having it at the individual "Wall")

if not (could not fine one); would it be possible to add that feature e.g. as "Popular filter" in the "Preferences - News Feed" section?
2 March, 17:04
It is already there: just select "Show: Popular" on top of the page, below the header.
 3 March, 17:29
ahh thanks! had "popular" activated, but only got the desired result after first changing to "all" and afterwards back to "popular"!
 3 March, 19:12
bughunter » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Would it been possible to add some description about the "Mates" and "Follow" to the FAQ?
Mates is clear, but the Follow feature does nothing at the moment, at least I do not see anything.
Thank you very much!
3 March, 17:33

March 2, 2025

Mike Bird » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
The "Author" tag on comment threads doesn't appear when not logged in. It feels like this is useful regardless of whether the user is logged in.

See for an example of the same thread logged in vs logged out. (screenshot generated with SCM Newsfeed)
2 March, 14:49

February 25, 2025

D. Ninetalis » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Is there actually a dark mode for the website? If so I can’t see where to select it, and if not, we really should have had that by now.
Kaikki kommentit (5) » 3 3 September 2024, 18:19
D. Ninetalis
Yeah, I really hate that when I open up this website at night it just hurts.
 10 October 2024, 06:28
Noah Armstrong
Dark mode is always nice to use.
 25 February, 10:54

February 21, 2025

gorby » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I’m confused about spammer reporting.
Someone reported an obvious spammer so I went to the vote page and I definitely clicked on ‘YES, this is a spammer’.
Then it showed:
1 or more users said this is OK
1 or more users said this is a Spammer.
Which makes it look like my vote was registered as ‘Not a spammer’.
What’s going on?

Incidentally – minor issue. ‘1 ore more…’ should read ‘1 or more...’
21 February, 08:35

This was from a time when your vote was not public.

This message was also intended for people to "think" before blindly voting.

if you see 6 users say it is a spammer and 0 have not, some people might vote blindly.

When it states there was one user saying it is not a spammer (although that is not true) people would actually go to the profile and check.

It works the moment more people voted, but indeed not for the first voter.

Let me check

1  21 February, 08:41
Okay, thanks Tim that does make sense. 👍
 21 February, 08:43
Ben M
The links on mobile can be very close together due to text wrapping and I believe I have accidentally voted the wrong way because of this but perhaps it's just the messaging you've described above confusing me.
2  21 February, 14:10
Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
when checking spammer reports on SCM Newsfeed user Saaspedia keeps appearing, but if you click on it, it says that it no longer exist
19 February, 15:50
i believe i voted for it to be kicked in the past, but today, it alows me to still vote, and it still appears in spam reports
1  19 February, 15:51
 21 February, 06:00
 21 February, 08:04

February 20, 2025

Boris B » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Some multi-kit reboxings have an older kit mated with new-tool kit. Here is an example (the Opel Blitz was a new tooling):
HS-129 and Kfz. 305 3 Tons Truck (Supermodel 10-502, 1:48)


Would it be possible to have a separate entry in the History to indicate this ? It's more accurate, but it would also allow further reboxings of the new-tool kit to be accurately connected. In this case, the Opel Blitz kit was later reboxed by Italeri and Tamiya:
Kfz. 305 3 ton. Truck (Italeri 6606, 1:48)
3-ton 4x2 Cargo Truck Kfz. 305 (Tamiya 89782, 1:48)

1 20 February, 11:46

February 19, 2025

Mean Joe green » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
19 February, 15:35
if you are simply looking for general instructions on how to use the site, maybe you can look into Scalemates FAQ
 19 February, 15:53
Okeefanokee The Seventeenth » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
On he very left side, among the various search result refinements, there should be a feature that can refine search results between "plastic spruce", "form-pressed plastic sheet", "resin", "paper", and a few others.

An option to refine search results by checking" available for purchase" and "no one offers it right now".
19 February, 04:19

February 16, 2025

tyu@Feature Requests
Could the number of characters in the cell for paint name be increased? Unable to enter the full description like for MRP-049: "Russian aircraft cockpit & wheel wells from 1960 to the present". That is how it is stated in the product image. Or maybe add a subtitle like the way it is done for kits.

Thanks in advance.
1 16 February, 13:16
moved to Feature requests
 16 February, 13:45

February 15, 2025

Łukasz Gliński » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
When I search for kits, once I select "Kits", when screen refreshes, the label is switched to "Utensils", though all works like it should for "Kits"
19 August 2024, 09:17
Weird, let me check
 19 August 2024, 11:49
I think this no longer should happen?
 15 February, 19:55
Łukasz Gliński
Confirmed 👍 Thx
 15 February, 21:16
Bruce Probst » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
The kit "Death Star II & Star Destroyer" the scale is correctly recorded as "1:2700000" but it displays as "1:27000" which is misleading. Also, it's a multi-kit set, the other kit has a different scale, can that be recorded somewhere? Also also, with multi-kit sets, it doesn't seem possible to link back to any original single-kit set(s) in the timeline?
2 11 May 2021, 21:19
Both issues already submitted Feb 21, 2021 and have a TODO status.
1  13 May 2021, 15:32
this is fixed (the truncated part), please don't ask me why this took 4 years 🙁
2  15 February, 20:04
Honkfish » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
When you click 'my' on the home page to see your custom scale or favourite topic hot picks goes blank and doesn't show any kits till you go back to 'all'. For instance mine is set to 1:24 and I have Cars favourited in my settings. I can remember it working but it's been quite a while.
2 31 December 2023, 13:26
Any updates on this? I saw that it was working last night but now today it's just blank again.
 4 January 2024, 22:11
this is a weird issue and no clue what is going on. In can reproduce but it comes and goes
 13 January 2024, 14:28
This bug has been driving me crazy the last few days. I have to turn on all scales and all topics to see any hot topics. I have seen this happen a few times in the past, but the issue cleared itself up after a day or so. This time, it has been acting this way for several days in a row.
 27 February 2024, 03:54
this should be fine now?
 15 February, 19:56
Starbase101 » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
In the "Add missing data" section of SCM Contributor Page maybe add a stand-out reminder/request to search the database for your item before adding it? There are a lot of incorrect duplicate entries in the database, probably because people simply don't check first to see if their item already exists before they proceed to add it. Having such a reminder/request could help cut down on the quantity of duplicate items added.
2 23 July 2020, 15:53
On it
 19 August 2024, 12:07
fixed 👍 thx for your patience
 15 February, 19:51
Boris B » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi Tim, I just merged two entries for the 1:72 Toko P-63C and the deleted one had an instructions manual that does not seem to have carried over to the good one. Is that normal ? Should we transfer instructions manual by hand, or can it be automated ? B.
Kaikki kommentit (6) » 17 August 2020, 19:57
Started: move instruction sheets in case the better entry does not have any
 19 August 2024, 12:16
This is implemented
 15 February, 19:48
Rui S » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I don't know why, but many of the photos I had in my albums in portrait position are now rotated and displayed in landscape position.

Strange enough, when I go to the Advanced options, the thumbnails on the left that should show the photos portraited in the album, display the photos the right way, they were initially.

In other words, this left thumbnail is not coherent with what the album is now presenting, which further complicates the arrangement and chosing from the remaining 3 thumbnails presented on the right side becouse none present the the correct initial positioning.

Maybe instead of showing more 3 thumbnails on the right, a clockwise or a conterclokwise rotation button, would be easier to manage and should save some space ? 🤔
Kaikki kommentit (15) » 1 16 September 2023, 11:07
Rui S
Yap, I belive so.
I'm a complete zero in IT or programming so I can't help you with anything else.
Thank you very much for for your attention.
 13 December 2024, 18:21
marking this one as closed, should be fine now. If not, please let me know. (you might have to refresh your browser cache)
 15 February, 19:27
bughunter » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
After adding a stashed kit to a project (via + menu, select a project, Add) the little "return..." in upper right corner do not work.
1 21 January, 22:21
this is fixed 👍
1  15 February, 19:26
Günther Debiscop » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi, after adding stuff on my sales list, although I remove the +postage, it always goes back active...
Pls check.
12 February, 15:01
 15 February, 18:37
this is fixed!
1  15 February, 18:54
Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
i was checking something on my projects, and when filtering i saw a project that appeared as started in 1995 but appeared (as when you check the filters) as not completed. when i edited the project, i saw that although marked as completed, since there was no end date, it was still appearing as not completed in regards to filters. see what i mean at hetspanjaard when i added the end date, and filtered again, filter was showing one project, and status completed. i have deleted the end date again, so you can check. i believe that if a project is marked as completed, it should be completed regardless of the dates.
Kaikki kommentit (5) » 10 February, 13:39
by the way, in the mobile version I could not make the edit button work. in order to add the missing date, I had no other option than to change to desktop version (I did that in chromium) and them I could edit and change the date
 10 February, 23:12
 15 February, 13:34
Bruno » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hot kits list is missing: SCM Hot Kits
13 February, 17:54
I see it? did you have "my topics" or "my scale" filter enabled?
 13 February, 18:18
Have them both enabled
2  13 February, 20:40
fixed 👍
1  15 February, 13:34

February 11, 2025

komoras » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi Tim,

Would it be possible to increase the data limit for instructions to be higher?
For example, I cannot upload the official instructions from the Eduard's website for the following kit, because the original file is over 25 MB:

Bf 109 G-10 (Eduard R0022, 1:72)

11 February, 15:48
Eddie Mann
I use to compress PDF's. The instructions for this reduced from 36.3 to 13.1MB.
1  11 February, 19:04

February 9, 2025

Michael » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
A paint stash would be nice. Just pick from existing database for starters. Then link to projects so could see paints I used. Hell, even make it easy to order (user named or curated) sets of paints from sponsors!
Kaikki kommentit (5) » 1 8 February, 13:27
if you have 50 paints of the same range, you can select to view the complete range and start adding them. maybe the bar code reader option could also help adding them quickly
1  9 February, 00:17
Wherever you are on the site, via search, someone else their project, color database, newsfeed you can from there easily add items to your wishlisht/stash/project.

Most of the things you ask is 100% duplication of existing features but just from within the "project page". Not saying they don't make sense, but first try to get used to the system. As you are new, you likely only have uncovered 20% of the features.


if you find an interesting project Panavia Tornado IDS | Project by TimV (1:32) from there you can add all the stuff you want/need. There is no need to have a search projects from within your project

 9 February, 08:42

February 8, 2025

Mainstream » Ominaisuuspyynnöt

some cover pics rotate 90°
So it's not possible to replace them with better ones.

for example:
Viking Warrior (Abteilung 502 ABT1016, 54mm)

1 8 February, 14:40
the picture probably was taken with the camera rotated. when they are seen in computer, they are auto rotated. the picture can be downloaded , rotated, and uploaded again.
 8 February, 15:31

February 6, 2025

Nicolas » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
would it make sense to have another category in the event area besides groupbuild and model building event? I am thinking of many events that are not primarily about model building, but offer a good opportunity to see the originals, such as airshows, special events in museums, classic car shows, etc.
2 6 February, 20:30

February 5, 2025

scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Don't allow animated gifs to be uploaded to Image albums
6 20 January, 21:25
I'm curious about this feature. I have a couple of time-lapse videos of builds that it would be nice to add to the project album. I had tried converting one to an animated gif but now I see it was deliberate that you don't support that. I had thought about uploading the videos to YouTube and adding them as a comment on the album but is there a nicer way to integrate videos into an album? Or perhaps a separate video section on a project would be more suitable? I'd be interested to hear what other people think.
 5 February, 20:47

February 2, 2025

Mike Bird » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
When posting a comment to an album, the text box is aligned with the other comments, but my own profile picture is not displayed, which can give the impression that the reply is to the last comment.

What's worse is that when the comment is posted, the whole thing including my profile picture is aligned with the text above, further reinforcing the impression that this is a "sub-reply" to the last comment. Refreshing the page makes it display normally.

Here are screenshots of a reproduction of the problem:

(I used this thread to make them Platz FW-190 D-9 | Album by PatrikG (1:144))
1 28 January, 22:12
thx! this is fixed
1  2 February, 19:20
scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Registering on one of the sister sites gives a message that the profile is not enabled for the sister website
1 2 February, 19:16
 2 February, 19:16
scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Our Registration form can use some improvements to the inline validation logic.
2 31 January, 17:41
improved 👍
 2 February, 19:06
scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Make registration simpler and show only 1 password field; with the option to show the typed password in clear text
2 2 February, 14:41
 2 February, 19:06
scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Add the option to show the password in clear text when registering and upon login.
3 2 February, 14:40
Luc B
yes yes yes
 2 February, 14:50
 2 February, 19:06
Bulldog Scale Models » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi there,

I was wondering if it's possible to add dates when entering a new model into your 'stash' and 'completed' sections. It would be very helpful to have these dates included in the export file as well.

This would allow me to track my progress and identify trends in my modeling activity over time. For example, I could easily see how many models I've built in a particular month or year, or identify periods of increased or decreased activity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
1 20 January, 10:38
When you create a project for a build, there are fields there for entering started and finished dates and the time spent.
 20 January, 11:26
Bulldog Scale Models
Hi Augie,

I apologize for not being clear in my previous request.

I'm suggesting a feature where the system automatically adds the date when I add a new kit to my 'stash' or when I mark a kit as 'completed'. I would also like to see this date field included in the export files for both the 'stash' and 'completed' lists.
 21 January, 10:52
you can already add the date of purchase for each kit. When you don't add a date you will see when you added that item to your stash.

Dates like when it was started/completed is handled by the actual Projects like Augie said.

(You can buy a specific kit only once, but you can have it part of several projects. Eg. a decalsheet with several options. Or a kit with several models)

Exporting data as part of CSV is a good idea
1  21 January, 10:56
Bulldog Scale Models
thank you all
1  2 February, 14:23

January 30, 2025

bughunter » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I see often a 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) recently. No matter whether you are logged in or not. Is there a problem?
And if it works, the loading is often delayed.
Kaikki kommentit (18) » 1 4 December 2024, 18:24
Still clear! Unless you saw any issues in the last 2 days?
5  30 January, 06:51
Marked as closed 👍
2  30 January, 16:30
Richmond » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Anyone, (not 100% sure where I should have posted this)

Can you Contribute your own photos you have taken (say of a ship) - as a gallery article which is linked to a topic or can you only link 'urls'?
Kaikki kommentit (5) » 29 January, 07:08
I wanted to add a photo as a walkaround /gallery - I am sure you use to be able to do it so these photos could be seen when you went review a topic page I thought the contribute page alluded to the fact that you still can via an album page but I think I may have misunderstood the wording. All this does is make it show up in newsfeed.

I am sure in the past people would upload their visits to dockyards, museums etc. Maybe Tim has to stop this for some reason.

Warning: Do not use this feature to add links to sites like Photobucket/Forums/Photo sharing sites... This feature is only for full blown articles on modeling magazines like Hyperscale, ARC,... . If you want to add individual pictures you can do that by uploading pictures in the "Photoalbum" section. In case of any doubt, a ask if it is ok. If your site is not yet included, give a short message to the webmaster and he will do some preparation work.
 30 January, 09:09
(external) Gallery articles = Built models only
(external) Walkarounds = Real stuff in 1:1

So adding Walkarounds to the Gallery section = no go

if you want to add items to the walkaround section:

There are dozens of walkarounds sites where you can submit pictures. Linking relevant walkarounds on external sites is 100% the aim.

=> A hug amount of traffic for people coming in, downloading GB's of data and go away again.

Scalemates is not going in that direction or trying to compete.

If you do have a photoalbum with some of your own reference pictures linked to a project that is fine (not pushed, but Ok if you keep it reasonable)

2  30 January, 15:50

January 28, 2025

Mike Bird » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I "follow" some Mates whose work I enjoy, but it would be nice to get a notification on the "bell" icon when they post a new album (perhaps also with the option to get a notification if they add photos to an existing album)
2 28 January, 22:04

January 25, 2025

Bruno » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
There are blank entries on the new kits section for January 21st.
25 January, 08:33
Didn't notice they could be removed, removed.
 25 January, 08:49
Bruno » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Maybe already requested but it would be great if we could sort stash additions per year. I always add the purchase date of my newly bought stash. That way we can see what’s been bought the year before etc.
25 January, 08:41

January 23, 2025

Stuart Fowle » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi, having issues adding any links to the 'walk around' text box. I get the following error -->> "An error occurred, please provide a valid URL | An error occured retrieving the URL"; Also fails with the same error for any other walk around links that I try from my site.
23 January, 20:57
PlasticWolf@Feature Requests
How come that some of the items i have listed for sale show "price not yet provided" in the newsfeed, but when i look at them in my for sale listing do show the price i put in when i listed them for sale? Am i doing something wrong?
Kaikki kommentit (9) » 16 December 2024, 09:52
according to the kit is for sale. I see the kit in the user for sale section, but when I go to the product page, the user does not appear
 23 January, 17:24
 23 January, 17:38

January 22, 2025

Edoardo Francario@Feature Requests
Hi, why does it say DEER next to the US flag in the Italian version?
22 January, 09:07
where exactly please?
 22 January, 10:01
Edoardo Francario
Paese del produttore (6)
3R Germania (1933–1945 Terzo Reich) | 3R (4)
CSK Cecoslovacchia (1918-1992) | CSK (1)
FR Francia | FR (2)
GB Regno Unito | GB (9)
IT Italia | IT (4)
US cervo | US (7)
1  22 January, 10:34
Grazie! Fixed
1  22 January, 10:39
Ben M » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi Tim, it seems when clicking in to an album, now we are taken to the first photo rather than what the album owner set as the current photo. Is it intentional?
21 January, 20:16
Ben M
Hmm, further experimentation shows this is only true sometimes. Very odd.
1  21 January, 20:18
if you spot a pattern, do let me know
 22 January, 08:10
It sometimes looks like the album opens with the first image and then scrolls to the desired number. Could it be that this second step sometimes gets lost?
 22 January, 10:25

January 20, 2025

Eric Thornton » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Couple of things I noticed. It seems like my profile page no longer updates since December 17 whenever I add or modify any of my stash like it used to. I didn't change any settings so not sure what is going on.

Also reporting doubles doesnt seem to work for me?

I reported these and nothing ever happened didn't even see it published

F-16C Block 52 Viper (Kinetic K48156, 1:48)


F-16C Block 52 Polish Air Force (Kinetic K48156, 1:48)

1 19 January, 17:26
 20 January, 08:35
Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
it seems some stash notifications appear in the newsfeed, even when Popular filter is in use. see SCM Newsfeed
Kaikki kommentit (8) » 1 19 January, 09:02
Yes I also saw it (in German) and thought they had used the kit comment section.
 20 January, 07:52
I'll close this case

- "besitzt diesen Artikel" message was added 1 day after the actual kit was added to the stash.
- The original add to kit message is still there, so there are 2 messages
- From the 14 Million wall messages, 39 of them have the text "besitzt diesen Artikel". All from the same user

Scalemates is full of bugs, but this is not a bug

1  20 January, 08:25

January 19, 2025

Richmond@Feature Requests
Data Suggestion or Feature Request?

SCM Search: River monitor Bratianu-class

However when you select it as a topic

SCM Topic: River monitor Bratianu-class

Its empty

I think this happens to kits whose only entry in Scalemates is as part of a multitopic (and its name is not used in the main topic field)

I believe if I was to switch out R35 Renault in the main topic field with River monitor Bratianu-class - it would display in the topic

However this would only be quick fix as everyone would need to know to do this and what if you have 2 topics which only have single entries - which one would you pick?
1 19 January, 02:01
👍 moved to FR
 19 January, 12:48
Richmond » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Could /should we have these "States"


I dont think we have any topics (under ships anyway) but we do have subjects such as this

Manchurian River Defence Fleet 1939 (Fairy Kikaku S100, 1:700)



SCM Topic: Ship of the line Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde
SCM Topic: Armed yacht Große Jacht
19 January, 02:11

January 18, 2025

Prieur Gaël » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Is there a way to manage photo albums like you manage photos, that is to say to be able to move them around to arrange them as you want?
Kaikki kommentit (5) » 16 January, 06:45
To avoid the albums are no more noticed in the huge amount of models you should add them to projects accordingly. With the kits linked to the projects too your albums and projects are shown below a kit and will be much more prominent in future.
To find an album or project you have always the filter criteria on the right so sorting of albums is not really needed.
3  18 January, 13:41
Collections and projects is 100% the way to go!

And while it is not a problem when people do it, Scalemates Album features are designed for 1 Album belonging to a specific project (1 model with aftermarket sets etc) and less for a collection of single photo's of different kits

1  18 January, 16:55
Bruce Leyland-Jones » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
A basic How To... would be very useful.
For example, it appears I've been asked to list kits in Collections, rather than list them as Inventory for a Project. However, whilst it is fairly simple to create a list, there's no obvious way to add kits to that collection.
16 January, 23:33
I do not understand your request.
A collection is on Scalemates something different. Once enabled in the profile you can add a project to a collection. So you can have for example some projects to build a Pfalz aircraft - A collection "Pfalz" contain then all Pfalz projects. The advantage is that a project can be member of multiple collections, in this case a Pfalz biplane project could be member of another collection "Biplanes" at the same time. See my profile for more examples.
A project contain all the kits, accessories, decals and so on to build one model.
 18 January, 12:22

January 16, 2025

Eddie Mann » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Would a check-box, as is used for "STL data file", be worth considering for "3D printed"
1 16 January, 11:58
I don't think so. As we don't make a difference between Resin kits, vacu kits, .... either

1  16 January, 13:43
Eddie Mann
No problem, just a thought.
1  16 January, 13:48
Adrian » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Link Problem
Just tried to find a good offer for an "M7 Priest" when I found an insane low price for it in the marketplace area:

US Self propelled 105mm Howitzer M7 Priest (Tamiya 6202, 1:35)


But the link to both shops lead to the product site of a "Tamiya Paint Marker" not to an M7.;code=d1a677c795e1cf941a91

Don't know if this the only false link, just want to let you know.

Regards, Adrian
15 January, 20:40
Eddie Mann
The problem is that the EAN barcode shown for the M7, is the barcode for the marker.
 16 January, 10:01

January 15, 2025

scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Discontinue serving 360 and 540 pixel images on small devices as they are rarely requested anymore.

Will remove 3 million images and free up 150+GB of diskspace
1 10 January, 21:41
Phase 1: Stop referencing them on pages. => DONE (October 2024)
Phase 2: Validate they have not been requested => DONE (January 2024)
Phase 3: Stop generating them => DONE (January 2024)
Phase 4: Deleting them from main server => ONGOING
Phase 5: Deleting them backup => TODO
1  10 January, 21:43
All done
 12 January, 09:59
My god, the size of it all 🙂

Remembers me of work where we had a database we could not back up anymore in a complete weekend
1  15 January, 09:57

January 14, 2025

Steven Van Dyck » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I uploaded a series of pictures in three different albums. All of them keep a broken image icon in the "manage" field, so I had to guess which one to put up as cover photo of the album. For the rest they're perfectly visible in the album. It's over 30 minutes now, but the icon is not getting replaced. Here's the Himars album. I now added one single image and that one is also broken.

Kaikki kommentit (8) » 12 January, 21:47
fixed now; also for smaller images
 14 January, 20:59
Steven Van Dyck
Thanks, it's OK now!
1  14 January, 21:26

January 13, 2025

Weltenwanderer » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I apologize in advance.
Perhaps this question has already been asked (I scrolled through the messages for 3 years and did not find it), but is there any plans to add an RSS feature to the page ?
13 January, 21:03
Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
in my notifications today, i have notification SCM Newsfeed but when i click on it it tells me that it no longer exists or i have no permission to access it... but unless i am really mistaken, that is F-15J Eagle Shiro Ruyu White Dragon | Album by Grizzlebock (1:72) (where i posted a comment like a minute before), and that is accessible. i thought the album was maybe deleted until i saw that it was still in the newsfeed. really strange.....
1 13 January, 12:59
It was posted under the project (not the album). But the newsfeed entry was deleted, hence not visible.

I restored it again
 13 January, 13:14
sorry about it, i thought i did in the album 🙂
 13 January, 16:39
i see that the comment in the album was from months ago 🙂
 13 January, 16:40
scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Update the FAQ, Update the FAQ, Update the FAQ
2 13 January, 10:41
AndreasK » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
The sorting in list of notifications has an error. Yesterday, I received a like on one of my older albums. But in the list of notifications, this like does not appear at the top, but in September 2023, the date of the last comment in the album.
13 January, 06:35

January 12, 2025

HyunMo Koo » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Is it possible to add function to sort my stash by custom criterion? For example sort stash items by purchase date etc.

Currently my stash only sorts by topic if I'm not missing something...
1 12 January, 13:04
Eddie Mann » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Only cosmetic really:
SCM New Kit news is still "New releases (2023-2024)"
1 9 January, 11:57
1  12 January, 10:03
Eddie Mann
Thank you.
 12 January, 10:22

January 11, 2025

scalemates » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Frequently the main avatar does not load when visiting a profile page
1 10 January, 21:59
Not only that, it is also missing sometimes in the Newsfeed. If I open the avatar in a new tab my browser says: The picture could not be loaded due to an error.
1  10 January, 22:17
please let me know when you see it in the newsfeed
 10 January, 22:18
This is fixed for all existing mates, it should not start happening for new ones
1  11 January, 12:13
tyu » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hello Scalemates,
I have had a PM from Eddy Mann some time ago to stop editing what he has done but what he is doing is not following the format as currently required by Scalemates.

From Scalemates the instructions how to fill in these fields:

Title: The name of the product as written on the box. "All caps" titles can be changed to normal text (eg. PANAVIA TORNADO can be changed to Panavia Tornado). All indications about time/country/units go to the prefix/postfix fields. In case you are not sure put all in "title"

He keeps on deleting the word "for" while stated on the manufactures packaging, reason unknown. And after a short hiatus he is doing it again. An example he corrected is: A-4M Skyhawk (late with HUD)..Quinta Studio QD48526, 1:48)


It clearly states "for Hasegawa/Hobby 2000 kit", not what is stated in the current title "Hobby 2000/Hasegawa".

Could you please either change the instructions or instruct Eddy Mann to follow your original instructions.

Thank you, TYU
Kaikki kommentit (9) » 8 January, 20:10
Eddie Mann
@tyu ??
 11 January, 10:46
I'll check this thread again when things have calmed down.

Please remember: we all want a better scalemates, so need to argue about such things

4  11 January, 11:15
Richmond » Ominaisuuspyynnöt

SCM Topic: Four-masted barque Passat (1911)
SCM Topic: Four-masted barque Cap Horn (1888)
SCM Topic: Four-masted barque Pamir (1905)

Something that has been on my mind for sometime on the above ships is that, especially in the case of Heller, the same moulds are probably (I can fact check) being used for Passat, Cap Horn and Pamir - so the above represents something which is aligned with true history but not aligned with what scale model manufacturers (esp Heller!) are actually doing.

So here we have 3 kits that possibly have a continuous timeline which are contrained by topic conventions.

Listing these 3 ships under a topic Four-masted barque would of course fix this issue, but manufacturers (Heller again!) may use other ships across what seem totally unrelated topic areas. So we have in the extreme example all Heller sailing ships being listed under the topic Sailing ships

Allowing cross topic history would resolve this (but assume its probably a lot of work, impossible, maybe a lot of work for the user and thus self defeating)

I am therefore concious this is a scale modelling site first and foremost and not an encyclopedia and history of the moulds should be paramount.

Given I would have originally created the original topics for the above many many years ago I probably didnt understand this issue fully and would have inadvertently broken the timelines.

Perhaps we should create a prohibition where someone tries to move a kit to a different topic which is already linked via timeline. We could then raise particular issues as a Data Request as and when required.

I do have some resources re Heller which would enable me to advise which Heller kits in fact have the same moulds and I may have broken the timelines.
1 11 January, 10:18

January 9, 2025

Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
We have more than 300 items with Brand "unknown". maybe it should be a requirement to enter te brand when entering a new item? SCM Search: ; some of them are in nobody's stash/wishlist/completed lists

almost half of them are just rubbish that probably should be deleted, please see SCM Search:
2 9 January, 15:40
I've gone through those I can, which has dropped it by about 6, there's about 147 real junk ones in that lot, the rest are ones which matching to Brands is going to be complicated.
1  9 January, 16:02
Eddie Mann
I agree, items with no brand and no part number are not much use to anyone. The items which just have "Title" are caused when someone starts to add a new item, then changes their mind.
 9 January, 16:05
I don't know about that, some of those items could be just back yard, garage makers, those I delt with were just because the company / brand needed to be added to the database
1  9 January, 16:07
thanks Augie
 9 January, 18:41
Richmond » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Re this kit (as just one of numerous examples)

Australian Navy (1) (Fairy Kikaku S070, 1:700)


Why do we need so much detail in the Event section -

"World War 2»Pacific War»New Guinea Campaign»Battle of Buna Goa"

Surely the event is simply "Battle of Buna Goa" which has its own wiki page - (anyway the date of the event and the location is surely the clue that its WW2 and in New Guinea and its the Pacific War)

Perhaps the instruction could state it should align wherever possible with a wiki page title?
2 9 January, 04:56
Eddie Mann
It is a bit of overkill.
 9 January, 10:07

January 8, 2025

Cam Saunders » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Is there a for sale section?
7 January, 08:09
It is completely integrated, just look around.
You can mark kits in your stash for sale. You can find those on the kit pages and in the "Sale" tab of the header.
1  7 January, 08:32
on top of the newsfeed, you can choose for trade and see only items that users are selling, and with the filters you can choose specific scales, brans or subjects. you can use also the search function to find specific kits and see also what associated stores sell then, or what users have then for sale
1  7 January, 09:16
Cam Saunders
Cool, thanks for tht
 8 January, 03:15

January 6, 2025

Nicolas » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hello, yesterday I noticed occasional gaps and incorrect displays in the wish list. Suddenly the Cessna 310 kits were displayed on the wish list under the topic Cessna 172. Several topics in between (e.g. Cessna 180, Cessna 182, Cessna 206, Cessna 208) were missing completely. By reloading this area was in order again, but there were gaps in other topics. In some cases, kits from a completely different area were also displayed that are not even on the wish list (tanks under aircraft topics etc.)
1 January, 09:40
thx! will check
 3 January, 17:19
Thx. Hear a screenshot of one of the worst results. Nearly all kits are displayed.
MyAlbum | Album by Uriziel
 4 January, 15:30
I had this too! Especially after selection of a filter.
Solution, or better workaround: Reload button of the browser, then the data were correct, with applied filter.
 4 January, 15:34
this is super weird and I see the same
 6 January, 21:08

January 5, 2025

Steve Zodiac » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
My loical model shop is missing how would you add there details. As actual shops are becoming rare would be a shame to miss out on this one, as its a good old fashion model shop.
1 4 January, 22:22
Eddie Mann
Hi Steve,
SCM Contributor Page
"Add Shop" is there.
1  5 January, 09:57
Steve Zodiac
Thanks 😀
1  5 January, 11:22
You can add the shop yourself under Contribute-Add Shop. 😉
1  5 January, 15:28

January 3, 2025

Eric Solomonson » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I have scanned an instruction manual for a Gecko kit, and the resulting PDF is 33.3 megs which exceeds the 25 meg limit for uplodad. Can the upload limit be increased?
Kaikki kommentit (7) » 20 December 2024, 14:45
Eddie Mann
Off-line and on-line storage, doesn't that increase the required storage?
 3 January, 11:36
yes and no. you need additional storage but not necessarily on your main servers, but more in a backup kind of orientation somewhere else.

Maintaining smaller files on the main servers leads to smaller bandwidth use, and smaller disk needs

but I guess that tim knows much better than me 🙂
 3 January, 21:45
Teo JaM » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hi and happy new year to everyone.
Not sure if it is a bug or I'm doing something wrong.
I've joined some days ago and I listed all my kits in my stash, and wanted to put a couple of them for sale/trade.
I think I've done it correctly, and I think it is visible on the kit page itself (if anyone can kindly confirm this), but the "for sale" section of my profile is empty.
One of them is this one: G6 Rhino (BaxMod Models , 1:35)

Kaikki kommentit (6) » 3 January, 14:12
should have been immediately, let me check
 3 January, 15:46
Steven Van Dyck
What I saw in his sales page is "unavailable".
 3 January, 17:11

January 2, 2025

Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
maybe it would be a good idea to periodically check for kits that appear with status "Future" with past years, and automatically change then to "released" if somebody has already built them, or has them in stash or completed. for example SMS Gefion - 1895 (Combrig 70071, 1:700)

3 2 January, 18:01

December 31, 2024

Reese5Alive » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
Hello Peeps, how do I add a kit that isn't inventoried on here yet into Stash? Thanks in advance.
31 December 2024, 13:03
You can add it yourself to the database, see "Contribute" tab in header.
A kit needs to be in the DB before you can link it to your stash.
2  31 December 2024, 14:37
bughunter » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I tried to add an article.
On the own header, in Articles is a button "Add new external article" -> this one do not work.
Tried then In Contribute "Add Gallery article" -> this one works perfectly
Shouldn't be both somehow identical?
20 December 2024, 15:02
it should! let me check
 21 December 2024, 14:16
This is even more strange. The article was still in my wall, but was not shown in my list of Articles?! It was also not shown in the project, but I was sure I added it. If I select the + beside the article in my wall it showed the project and I could jump to the project - but still not listed.

I found a second article added in the "Updates" which seems to be added automatically. I take over this one, edit it and added it to the project. This one is displayed in the Articles list and the project => all perfect now
I deleted the manually added one so no duplicate now.
 30 December 2024, 23:23
A idea: maybe the reason is the URL of There are two different URL to the same article, a short one with the id and a long one with the article name. Here an example:
Which one should be used?
 31 December 2024, 14:34

December 29, 2024

Wouter » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
It would be nice if the '' Add project inventory from your stash'' section at the creation of a project were a little bit smarter, maybe it could look at the topic you put in?
29 December 2024, 15:06

December 28, 2024

Rune Haugen » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I wonder if it is possible to make an own category for 3D-printed models/accessories? They are often from obscure manufacturers and hard to order. I would love to be able to exclude 3D printed items from my feed.
26 December 2024, 20:22
in principle seems a good idea, but excluding all 3D printed stuff, would also exclude reputed manufacturers, specially since some of them are doing more and more 3D printed stuff (Eduard comes to mind for example).
3  27 December 2024, 23:17
which feed are you referring to? the news feed or updates?
 28 December 2024, 12:14
Rune Haugen
News Feed was my thought. Cottage industri obscurities that are not available for most modelleres flood the feed. Maybe time to make a separate 3Dmates?
 28 December 2024, 20:54

December 27, 2024

Michael Roman » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
It would be nice to have an option to list books that I own in physical form versus those that are digital purchases only. Can this be implemented? Scalemates is, btw, amazing.
Kaikki kommentit (7) » 20 December 2024, 08:56
Michael Roman
I guess I thought there could be a checkbox added. Perhaps this is best done under storage, where I can simply add a text option for digital vs. hard copy. It also seems like State might be a way to go, though having "Digital" as an option to select would be ideal.
1  27 December 2024, 16:22
Ah ok, I understand the request now
 27 December 2024, 16:42

December 24, 2024

Mainstream » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
On the topics site the filters give you the choice between "yes" and "yes".
1 24 December 2024, 20:35

December 20, 2024

Spanjaard » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
it will be great to have a filter for location/status etc when we are in stash page. it was suggesting that on SCM Newsfeed but since the original post was about stash location it may have gone unnoticed
5 26 September 2024, 15:03
location is a filter that we could make use in multiple places in the site, for example in the contribute-missing instructions
1  14 October 2024, 20:53
Peter Hardy
That could come in handy and reduce my confusion at times!
1  31 October 2024, 09:03
d hadley
 20 December 2024, 17:22
bughunter » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
If I open the Action menu on an "Article" it shows only "xxx". A second press on Action is needed to get the real menu.
20 December 2024, 14:59

December 19, 2024

Nicolas » Ominaisuuspyynnöt

I would like to rearrange my stash a little and have come across a small problem. A few boxes need to be swapped or moved for space reasons. Unfortunately, 2 boxes contain a lot of small items (sheets, profiles, figures, etc.). Is there a way to move the entire contents of a storage box to another storage location or to rename a storage location for all the items stored in it at once? Such an option would be very helpful, as I could save myself the trouble of renaming around 350 storage locations in this specific case. Thank you very much for your help.
16 December 2024, 17:12
please let me know what needs to be renamed so you have a quick fix, while I look for a permanent solution for everybody
1  17 December 2024, 13:06
Hi, that would be realy great.
everything from 1-1-3 (short for room1, shelf 1 Box 3) gos to 1-1-5
everything from 1-1-2 gos to 1-1-3
and everything from 1-5-6 goes to 1-5-5
Everything else contains just a few kits and I can sort them out quickly.
Thanks a lot for the help.
 17 December 2024, 16:46
I bulk fixed all

Note, for the box I added an 'x' at the end. This way In case we made a mistake I can revert

1-1-3 => 1-1-5x
1-1-2 => 1-1-3x
1-5-6 => 1-5-5x

If all is good I'll remove the x from the box label in bulk
 19 December 2024, 12:32
Thanks a lot. I just trandomly checked a few items and everything is correct. 👍
 19 December 2024, 13:34
Chester S. A. Reginald Berwick, Duke of ... » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
It appears that filling in multiple topics for books is not possible. This feature could be quite useful, for example, in the following situation:
Book: Aichi D3A ('Val') & Yokosuka D4Y ('Judy') (by M. C. Richards, Donald S. Smith)

Aichi D3A ('Val') & Yokosuka D4Y ('Judy') (Profile Publications 241)
2 15 September 2024, 22:07
I got a book about the Mistel. Here the Ju- 88, Bf-109 and FW-190 would be useful.
 16 September 2024, 17:29
multitopic books will not be for soon

What about a book about the Luftwaffe in WW2, should it be linked to all potential topics containing a mention/image?

I don't have a solution for this which would stop it from becoming a huge multitopic mess. (on the other hand, todays solution is also a mess)

 19 December 2024, 12:43

December 18, 2024

Steven Van Dyck » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I seem to be logged out for parts of the site. For example I got all kinds of wishlist and stash messages in my feed, and the last time I tried to write this I was told to log in while my name showed on top right of the page. How can I reset the feed to "relevant" information again?
17 December 2024, 20:21
Ben M
Click "all" then click "popular"
 17 December 2024, 21:02
Steven Van Dyck
Thanks, that seems to work. I see there was a discussion about this.
1  18 December 2024, 00:04

December 17, 2024

d hadley » Ominaisuuspyynnöt
I would love to be able to sort my stash by storage location. For example box number or room.
15 December 2024, 04:22
me too, this has been already requested 🙂 SCM Newsfeed
1  16 December 2024, 08:55
d hadley
I didn't see it there. Thanks for letting me know!
 17 December 2024, 01:21


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