British Battleship Prince of WalesTamiya | N° 78011 | 1:350Projets20 images1/350 HMS King George V1:350Projet: HMS King George V17+12 imagesHMS Prince of Wales, December 19411:350Projet: HMS Prince of Wales, December 194140 imagesHMS King George V1:350I call this one doneProjet: HMS King George V - 194348 imagesPrince of Wales1:350Projet: Prince of Wales17 imagesPrince of Wales1:350Projet: Prince of Wales19 imagesTamiya 1/350 HMS Prince of Wales1:350Projet: Prince of Wales Tamiya 1:3502+9 imagesHowe1:350Projet: HMS Howe1+12 imagesTamiya HMS Prince of Wales 1:3501:350Projet: Tamiya HMS Prince of Wales12 imagesMyAlbum1:350Projet: Battleship King George V1 imagesAlbum Tamiya Prince of Wales 1/3501:350Projet: Tamiya Prince of Wales 1/3504+10 imagesMyAlbum1:350Bow shot.Projet: Prince of Wales