base de données du maquettisme | gestionnaire d'inventaire


Jakub Fiala
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Tous les commentaires (80) » 99 20 January, 15:01
Lorraine Lin
Looks very OK!
1  14 March, 14:33
Jakub Fiala Auteur
I started working on the weathering.
 15 March, 12:45
Christian Bruer
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Tous les commentaires (59) » 36 19 November 2024, 11:39
Virtually every photo is a 'WOW!' moment. 😮
 15 March, 12:15
Robert Podkoński
I have the same impressions as Gorby... Chapeau bas, Christian!
 15 March, 12:31
Thomas Kolb
a ajouté un nouvel album.
38 images
Swedish Kite (SAAB J 35F 'Draken')View album, image #38Nouveau: 15 March, 12:29
The MRP paint set (MRP-218, MRP-219) is spot on for a Draken straight from the paint shop, but in real life, the blue qu...
1:72 J-35 Draken (Eduard CX138)1:72 SAAB J35F/J Draken (Maestro Models MMP7211)1:72 Saab J35F/J Draken (Flying Colors Aerodecals SR7210)3+
Thomas Kolb Auteur
Dear friends, you are too kind .... Blue-green camo it shall be, just kind of reasonably sun-bleached, nothing too fancy. I am still experimenting with the MRP range, so I will need to be a bit careful not to mess up.
 14 March, 17:23
Following late! Shame to see the C-conversion set is wrong-sized. Was it one-time bad luck or could it apply to all sets? One reason could be mold and resin shrinking that is normally very small but with that large and long part the shrinking became significant factor.
1  14 March, 17:54
Jan Peters
a ajouté un nouvel album.
13 images
SAS Landrover Pink Panther View album, image #12Nouveau: 15 March, 12:28
Testing means of making a new headlight lens, as the kit has solid plastic lenses
1:35 S.A.S. Land Rover Pink Panther (Tamiya MM176)
István Szücs
 14 March, 17:42
Jan Peters Auteur
Welcome István 🙂
1  14 March, 17:53
Sy Bar
a ajouté un nouvel album.
3 images
Ford 3L GT P-68View album, image #3Nouveau: 15 March, 12:24
Not much air getting to engine so opened the vents
Projet: Ford 3L P-68
1 14 March, 07:37
Sy Bar Auteur
Had hoped to build this great looking car OOB but I've some how mislaid the all be it limited decal sheet. I was going to have a go at doing my own decals or stencils but in look for info I found a sheet from DECALDOC.COM which includes all the extra advertising.
 14 March, 07:42
added a new article to son personal gallery:
1/48th Academy F-4C Phantom II | Fly Past Rush  Fly Past Rush - Weblog of Model Builds
1/48th Academy F-4C Phantom II | Fly Past Rush
1/48th Academy F-4C Phantom II | Fly Past Rush
by David on Fly Past Rush - Weblog of Model Builds
15 March, 12:24
Sergey Kalinov
Во время сборки модели Revell Harbour Tug Boat я накосячил с декалями: они легли неплотно, прозрачные элементы помутнели и выделялись на фоне краски модели.

Поэтому, когда пришла очередь клеить наклейки на Heller Thonier Armour, я решил попробовать специальные жидкости для клейки декалей. Были куплены Thinner Mr.Mark Setter и Thinner Mr.Mark Softer. Делюсь мыслями по их использованию.

15 March, 12:23
a ajouté un nouvel album.
23 images
Graf Spee 1939View album, image #23Nouveau: 15 March, 12:22
Working with masking putty which is new for me. Waves became a little smaller than I wanted.
1:350 Admiral Graf Spee (Trumpeter 05316)1:350 Admiral Graf Spee (Eduard 53045)1:350 Kriegsmarine - On Duty (ION Model K350-002)
Tous les commentaires (9) » 12 16 December 2024, 18:05
Chrisswe Auteur
Thanks Villiers! My daughter asked me today if I had only built two ships and one small plane after working such a long time. She looked incredulous when I told her that was actually the case🙂
1  23 February, 20:57
The notorious "pocket battleship" Graf Spee! Taking a seat for this one!
1  27 February, 20:14
a ajouté un nouvel album.
15 March, 12:19
Chris T. An
a ajouté un nouvel album.
20 images
Gothic Gabled House - Anklam, Germany 1925View album, image #15Nouveau: 15 March, 11:24
Finished this project, here are the final pictures.
Tous les commentaires (10) » 14 28 February, 21:34
Robert Podkoński
Great job!
 15 March, 11:27
Alex K
Congratulations to both you and your colleague! 👍 👍
 15 March, 12:17
Johan Bjurling
a ajouté un nouvel album.
13 14 March, 15:57
very nice forced perspective
 14 March, 22:36
I agree with Spanjaard.
 15 March, 08:47
S do I .
 15 March, 09:37
Denis Dogadov
I liked your work, especially the wooden screw.
Hurricane I had a different antenna mast.
 15 March, 12:08
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Tous les commentaires (10) » 43 26 February, 17:13
Lovely work!
 28 February, 12:33
Gorgeous! How was the kit?
 15 March, 12:01
Michael Kohl
a ajouté un nouvel album.
23 images
Mig-23 Gate Guard at Technikmuseum SinsheimView album, image #1Nouveau: 15 March, 11:51
A former GDR Mig-23 as gate guard of the Technikmuseum Sinsheim. That´s what I am aiming at.
1:72 MiG-23MLA Flogger-G (Clear Prop! CP72030)1:72 MiG-23 Flogger - Pitot Tube (Master AM-72-040)1:72 MiG-23ML, MLD, P, MLAE Exhaust and air scoops (Clear Prop! CPA72080)2+
Tous les commentaires (13) » 22 28 February, 17:35
Michael Kohl Auteur
Welcome Mike
1  12 March, 14:01
Alec K
Taking a belated seat. So sad to hear about the kit. This just confirms that there is guide a bot of know-how that goes into a well-fitting kit. Looks like my Res-kit MiG may get it's moment in the sun yet… I have been to the Sinsheim and the nearby Speyer museum years ago. What a place!
 14 March, 12:03
Gareth Lloyd
a ajouté un nouvel album.
35 images
Space 1999 Eagle with Laboratory Pod and BoosterView album, image #33Nouveau: 15 March, 11:52
Basecoats on the feet and landing gear is Dark Sea Grey. Landing gear struts get a coat of chrome then glossed. Sensors ...
1:48 Eagle2 (MPC 923/06)1:48 Spine Booster (MPC MKA043)1:48 Weathering Panel Decals (MPC MKA051/12)
Tous les commentaires (6) » 13 26 February, 20:08
Jörg Schäfer
Interesting, I'll take a look at that.
 28 February, 03:46
Always love the Eagle
 13 March, 16:24
Jörg Schäfer
a ajouté un nouvel album.
199 images
BauberichtView album, image #197
And the deck portside
Projet: IJN Mikasa
1:200 IJN Mikasa - 1905 (Merit International 62004)1:200 IJN Mikasa DX Pack (MK1 Design MD-20017)1:200 IJN Mikasa 1905 Detail up set (Pontos Model 23008F1)2+
Tous les commentaires (68) » 74 31 October 2022, 06:18
Stefan Fraundorfer
Late, but not too late, I'm joining in to follow the construction of another magnificent model from you, Jörg.
 15 March, 08:52
Jennifer Franklin
The figures look great.
 15 March, 11:44
Thomas E.
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Ben M
How did you make the joints on the bamboo?
 15 March, 11:19
Thomas E. Auteur
I use floral wire (0,35 mm), bend it around the skewer and encase it with a drop of wood glue by my finger. Basic Colour is dark green
brightened with yellow.
 15 March, 11:33
Sid de Koning
a ajouté un nouvel album.
56 images
Nevada SnakeView album, image #53Nouveau: 15 March, 11:25
With Alclad 312 coating. Pulls everything together and a light sheen to it. Happy.
1:48 F-16C Blizzard Aggressors (TwoBobs Aviation Graphics 48-251)1:48 F-16C [Block 25/32] Fighting Falcon (Tamiya 61101)1:48 F-16C WA WA WA Vipers (TwoBobs Aviation Graphics 48-254)12+
Tous les commentaires (15) » 36 16 January, 22:38
Sergej I
Yup, all the rivets are correct on photo 51 😉 👍
1  13 March, 14:27
Boy, those gravity checks are really rough on your nozzles! Looking amazing so far! 👀
1  13 March, 14:52
a ajouté un nouvel album.
1 12 March, 13:49
a ajouté un nouvel album.
4 11 March, 16:34
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Tous les commentaires (6) » 10 15 March, 03:29
Very nicely done 👍
 15 March, 10:38
Denis Dogadov
Great job!
But as a result, the Presheading is almost invisible on the model.
It usually happens to me too.
 15 March, 11:07
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Same as Stefan!
 15 March, 09:31
Stunning! And unusual 👏
 15 March, 10:40
Juergen Klinglhuber
a ajouté un nouvel album.
54 images
Beech AT-11 Kansan - Racer --DONEView album, image #44
I am happy to call this project DONE. finally.
1:72 BEECHCRAFT KANSAN AT-11 (Pioneer 2 4-4009)
Tous les commentaires (47) » 67 9 December 2023, 14:58
Juergen Klinglhuber Auteur
Thank you very much, mates, for so many positive comments - 🙂
 4 March, 18:03
Stefan Fraundorfer
Ein schönes Modell eines nicht allzu bekannten Flugzeug hast du da gebaut. Gratuliere Jürgen!
1  15 March, 10:15
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Tous les commentaires (5) » 8 1 January, 11:03
Nik Watson
Cracking looking Valentine, the dust effect is spot on. Nice one 👏👏👏

Watto 🍻
 15 March, 09:12
Filip Auteur
Thank you.
 15 March, 10:07
Dieter Bihlmaier
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Tous les commentaires (18) » 36 28 July 2024, 21:31
Lorraine Lin
The pipes, wires and firewall details looks amazing!
1  14 March, 06:28
Dieter Bihlmaier Auteur
Thank you mates!
 15 March, 10:02
Stefan Fraundorfer
a ajouté un nouvel album.
6 15 March, 09:39
Stefan Fraundorfer Auteur
Here are the first pictures of the Thunderbolt. The cockpit has been enhanced with 3D decals and PE parts from Eduard Space.
 15 March, 09:44
Cam Saunders
a ajouté un nouvel album.
3 12 March, 09:35
Following 👍
 12 March, 12:51
Cam Saunders Auteur
The kit has a few issues with the pastic
 13 March, 12:23
Cam Saunders Auteur
But so far so good i sparyed 2k clear and it turn out ok
 15 March, 09:41
Kurt Fankhauser
a ajouté un nouvel album.
6 26 February, 04:32
Very nice result.
 15 March, 08:37
 15 March, 09:39
Petr Z
a ajouté un nouvel album.
14 14 March, 21:15
 15 March, 08:48
 15 March, 09:37
a ajouté un nouvel album.
8 14 March, 18:21
gorgeous minuscule model! Love it
1  14 March, 21:54
Very nice!
 15 March, 08:49
 15 March, 09:36
a ajouté un nouvel album.
3 14 March, 18:10
Nice dio.
 15 March, 08:51
Yes! - But there were no Panzerfäuste in this early stage of WW II.
1  15 March, 09:35
Andrew P.
a ajouté un nouvel album.
Tous les commentaires (16) » 25 20 November 2024, 12:30
Following 👀
 15 March, 05:42
Sergej I
Following! 👍
 15 March, 09:33
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
a ajouté un nouvel album.
5 15 March, 00:48
Patrick Hagelstein
Is that the Hasegawa 2A4?
 15 March, 01:18
Very nice work. I assume they are 1/72?
 15 March, 08:43
Przemyslaw Sroczynski Auteur
Thx mates
All 1/72
2A4 Trumpeter
2A5 Border Model and Revell
1  15 March, 09:24
Beautiful! 👍
 15 March, 09:30
Koalitsiya SV
a ajouté un nouvel album.
9 3 March, 08:14
Michael Kohl
 8 March, 09:55
Bob Hall
Cool !😎
 8 March, 16:57
a ajouté un nouvel album.
2 14 March, 18:02
Looks good.
 15 March, 08:51





