U.S.Army M60A1
Medium Tank
Tamiya | N° MT128 | 1:35

Produits connexes
Detail and Conversion sets
Conçu pour: This specific kit

Israeli Defence Force MBT M60A1/A3 Reactive Armor (Blazer) Conversion Kit Tamiya
Wave Corporation 1:35
968 199* Nouvel outillage 
US Army M60A3 M68E1 105mm Rifled Gun Barrel for Tamiya
Barrel Depot 1:35
BD35004 199* Nouvel outillage Conçu pour: Same Product family

M48-M60 Detail & Conversion Set
Verlinden Productions 1:35
2549 2004 Nouvelle boîte Sujets multiples (2)Conçu pour: Generic

Royal Ordnance L7 cal. 105mm for M60 Patton, Tiran Sh, Centurion Mk. III
MicroWorld 1:35
35-005 2022 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (3)
105mm L7 Thermal Jacket Barrel for Magach 3-6 for AFV Club/Academy
Scale Colors 1:35
SC3D-B2 2022 Nouvel outillage 
Aluminium wheels for M60 /Magach 6 family, type 1 (14 wheels)
Elefant Corporation 1:35
35156 2021 Nouvel outillage 
M68A1- Early US M60A3 105mm Metal Barrel set With crosswind sensor
Def.Model 1:35
DM35016A 2021 Nouvelles pièces 
Shackles and handles for M47, M48 and M60 Patton
FC Model Trend 1:35
35762 2020 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (3)
IDF Urdan Cupola Set (for Magach tank) IDF M48/M60
Def.Model 1:35
DM35074 2018 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (2)
M68 105m Barrel With Mantlet For M60A1
Division Miniature 1:35
DT35M_002/005/006 2017 Nouvel outillage 
Metal Track M60/M48 T97 Special
Spade Ace Models 1:35
SAT-35139S 2014 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (2)
US Tank Conversion Accessory for MBT - M48A2GA2, M48A5 & M60A3
LO Model 1:35
3501 2002 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (2)
M-48 through M-60 engine compartment
A.E.F. Designs (AEF Designs) 1:35
KA-102 199x Sujets multiples (2)
M60 & M48 & M88 Track (workable) T142 Late Type
AFV Club 1:35
AF3510 1999 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (2)
M48 & M60 M48/M60& M88 Track (Workable) Type 97E1
AFV Club 1:35
AF3505 1994 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (2)
Track Width Mine Plough (for M60 and M1) Quartermaster Series
Dragon 1:35
3804 (3804-03) 1993 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (2)
M60A3 Engine Set
Model Valley 1:35
105mm M-68 barrel for U.S. M60 (all versions)
Aber 1:35
T97E2 Workable Tracks with Sprocket Parts (for M60/M48/M88A1 Kits)
Def.Model 1:35
DA35003 Sujets multiples (3)
M60 RISE AOS Top Loading Air Cleaners
Tank Workshop 1:35
M60 Commanders Cupola
Tank Workshop 1:35
M60A1 Sandbag Armor/MRE Box Set
Legend Productions 1:35
M60A1 Stowage Set
Legend Productions 1:35
Magach Blazer Armor Set
Legend Productions 1:35
LF1110 Conçu pour: Unknown

T97E2 Workable Track Link Set For M48/M60 MBT & M88 ARV
Bronco 1:35
AB3563 2013 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (3)
US 105mm M68 (for M48A3/A5s, M60A1 and M1s)
Chesapeake Model Designs 1:35
CMD16B 199x Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (3)
US Modern M48/M60 - T142 Workable Track (for AFV/Takom Kit)
E.T. Model 1:35
105mm M-68 barrel with thermal shroud for US M60A3 tank
Aber 1:35
IDF Magach 6 & 7 - Commanders cupola
Panzer Art 1:35
M60 Patton early turret US Army
MR Modellbau 1:35
M60 Patton early turret US IDF
MR Modellbau 1:35
A.E.F. Designs (AEF Designs) 1:35
Goffy Model 1:35
U.S.ARMY M60A2 stowage set
SOL 1:35
US M60A1/A3 Stowage & Accessories
SOL 1:35
M48H Turret Conversion (CM-11 Taiwan Army)
Phoenix Model 1:35
US M60A2 Detail Up Set (Academy)
Def.Model 1:35
M60A1 MBT (For AFV 35060)
Voyager Model 1:35
L7A2 105mm Metal Barrel for IDF Tiran/Centurion/M48/M60/Chieftan
Division Miniature 1:35
DT35M-014 Sujets multiples (5)
M60A1/A3 stowage Set with ACC (MRE BOX)
Adler 1:35
US M728 CEV ( Conversion kit )
Adler 1:35
Antriebsräder israel. M60 Patton (für Merkava-Kette)
MR Modellbau 1:35
Rüstsatz Fahrwerk M60A1/A2/A3 Patton - Tamiya und Academy -
MR Modellbau 1:35
IDF Magach7A Conversion Set ~Academy/Italeri~
Legend Productions 1:35
M60A3 Tank Engine Set
Legend Productions 1:35
IDF Magach 6B GAL/Batash Track Set
Legend Productions 1:35
Magach6B Gal Batash Conversion Set
Legend Productions 1:35
IDF Magach6MEM Conversion Set
Legend Productions 1:35
M9 Dozer Set
Legend Productions 1:35
M728 CEV
Perfect Scale Modellbau 1:35
35052 Decals
Conçu pour: Generic

Iranian Tanks & AFVs - Part 1 Iranian Army in the Iran-Iraq War
Star Decals 1:35
35-C1050 2017 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (7)Masks
Conçu pour: Unknown

U.S. M60 -Esci/Ertl/Italeri-
Quickwheel 1:35
QW-132 Nameplates
Conçu pour: Generic

Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
M60 AVLM Armored Vehicle Launched Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) Model Monkey 1:35
np-M60 AVLM-1 2020 Nouvel outillage 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
M60 AVLB Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge Model Monkey 1:35
np-M60 AVLB-1 2020 Nouvel outillage 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
M60A2 PattonModel Monkey 1:35
np-M60A2-1 2020 Nouvel outillage 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
M60A1 PattonModel Monkey 1:35
np-M60A1-1 2020 Nouvel outillage 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
M728 Combat Engineer VehicleModel Monkey 1:35
np-CEV-1 2020 Nouvel outillage 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
M60A3 PattonModel Monkey 1:35
np-M60A3-1 2018 Nouvel outillage