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Fil démarré par pappatti

Attila Papp
a ajouté un nouvel album.
21 28 November 2021, 20:52
A very clean work ... Great job ... Only if I may, the base a little small, it detracts from the charm of the whole
 28 November 2021, 21:17
Simon Nagorsnik
Nice brummbär!
the chipping effects are well done and the foliage give them something special 👍
but i agree with pepe, the base is a bit to small...
 28 November 2021, 21:51
Very nice work, good figure painting! Cool cigarette smoke! 👍
 29 November 2021, 10:55
Attila Papp Auteur
Pepe, Simon, I agree, this picture frame wasn't the best choice. I like to add figures and some groundwork and not just the big piece of metal. A little bit wider, some grass, bushes, etc., I'll pay more attention to it in the future. 🙂
Neuling: Thanks! 😄
 29 November 2021, 22:01
Bruce Huxtable
Nice glimpses of the interior too 👍
 29 November 2021, 22:29
Rui S
Great work 👍
 29 November 2021, 22:47
Attila your base shows very well how dramatically German territory had shrunk in the end .... 👍
 30 November 2021, 08:42
Hehehe .... Very good Neuling !!!!
 30 November 2021, 18:28
Attila Papp Auteur
 1 December 2021, 09:30

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