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Fil démarré par Hunter Cummins

Hunter Cummins
This kit is missing the bottom part of tye front mantlet. I now have to sculpt it
bad dragon bad!!!!
Sd. kfz. 138/2 "Hetzer" early version (early Production: 07-11/44)
Dragon 1:35
6030 1994 Nouvel outillage
7 July 2014, 22:44
Choppa Nutta
Bad Kitty !!!

Youtube Video
 7 July 2014, 22:52
Hunter Cummins Auteur
Lol choppa just lmfao
 7 July 2014, 23:59
Choppa Nutta
"Mum ! Kitty is being a dildo !"
 8 July 2014, 00:12
John Van Kooten
You mean from the mantlet of the main gun? There is no bottom part in a Hetzer's main gun mantlet 🙂 So maybe nothing is missing after all? Can you show us what you think is missing?

By the way, do NOT go by what's shown in the box art! It is/looks wrong 😉
 8 July 2014, 10:13
Fabian D.
indeed, I haven´t seen that matlet style before, better go with that what our walkaround section offers:
 8 July 2014, 10:30
John Van Kooten
And to compliment that reference, here's one that's good for the early style mantlet, like the one in the kit: [img1]

All Hetzer mantlet styles were (more or less) open on the bottom. I have never seen a closed style mantlet on a hetzer. I mean, ever 🙂 but... that doesn't mean it doesn't exist 😛 I'm always eager to learn new things 😄
 8 July 2014, 11:07
John Van Kooten
Did I just write "to compliment that reference" 😛 lol! That would make no sense at all, complimenting a reference? On what? It's good behaviour as in providing us with proper information maybe? 😄

Obviously I meant to say "to complement that reference" 👍
 8 July 2014, 12:39
Hunter Cummins Auteur
If you look at the box art, there are those holes on the sides. Its not in the kit part and it just doesnt look right
the bottom part of the mantlet it missing because it doesmt go areound the bottom likemit should
Fabian, that is a mid ot lare type mantlet
 8 July 2014, 14:17
John Van Kooten
Like I said, do NOT look at the box art! 😉 it is WRONG! Such a mantlet for the Hetzer that wraps around 360 degrees doesn't exist, not even in prototypes or the earliest versions. It was never manufactured like that. It's an interpretation of the artist that made the box art... incorrect, I might add.

Take a look at the picture I posted earlier. That's the early type mantlet and it is open at the bottom. It only wraps around the barrel in the front end. The kit part (number B3) is correct.

Or are you saying kit part B3 is damaged? It should look like this:

 8 July 2014, 15:27
Hunter Cummins Auteur
Ok ok I see now
But when you look at it straight on you can see tye inside of the tank and when you look down at the gun you can see the bottom of the hull. How do I fix this and all pics on the internet are usless in helping me :'(
 8 July 2014, 15:43
John Van Kooten
There are gaps? Ouch! There really shouldn't be any.

If you look at the two images below you can see the construction of the gun parts would pretty much make it impossible to see any insides?

 8 July 2014, 16:31
Choppa Nutta
bad kitty !!
 8 July 2014, 16:35
John Van Kooten
Hahaha! 😛 I do love South Park, yes I do! 😄
 8 July 2014, 17:02
Anthony Flanagan
 8 July 2014, 17:05
Choppa Nutta
hey ! hey ! Respect my authoratay !!
 8 July 2014, 17:09
Hunter Cummins Auteur
John check my wall in 5 minutes
 8 July 2014, 17:22
John Van Kooten
@Choppa: GODDAMMIT! 😉

@Hunter: checking... 😄 have you posted something?

And btw Hunter, now you've dunnit! You made me start a new project! 😠 😛 LOL

I was opening the box of my Academy Hetzer, just to see if there were gaps in the gun mantlet and now I have finished the gun, mantlet and lower hull of the kit 😄 😄 LOL! I guess I'll be adding a new project soon 😄

 8 July 2014, 18:46
Hunter Cummins Auteur
Album is now up
Dont you jist lovemit 🙂 😉 😛 and is there a gap there in the academy kit ????
 8 July 2014, 19:04
Fabian D.
Haha! I was I feelt exactly the same, but I´m glad that kit is a 1 1/2 hour car drive away from me 😄
 8 July 2014, 19:07
John Van Kooten
LOL you guys! 😄 😄

Lucky you, Fabian! Hahaha! 😉

Hunter, I just saw your album and indeed it looks terrible! 😮 I will continue discussing this issue in that post.

There is no gap in the Academy kit, at all.
 8 July 2014, 19:14
Hunter Cummins Auteur
I am so mad at dragon now
butyes lets discuss the issue there 🙂
 8 July 2014, 19:18

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