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Fil démarré par Erik67

Erik Torp
a ajouté un nouvel album.
48 13 January 2024, 12:13
Michael Kohl
 20 January 2024, 17:16
Jonathon Herring
Liking what I'm seeing. Looking forward to seeing more 😊
 21 January 2024, 20:49
Mr James
Lots of lovely detail going into this. Judging by your other work, this is going to turn out right nice...! 🙂
 26 February 2024, 00:10
Mr James is right. 👍
 25 March 2024, 09:49
Rui S
Beautiful Dio. Very well done 👍
 26 March 2024, 18:34
Andy Dallibar
That's lovely.
 26 March 2024, 18:37

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