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Fil démarré par the_crack_fox

Rod -
a ajouté un nouvel album.
21 28 February 2024, 01:20
Rod - Auteur
I started this as a test mule for candy paint. It's coming along better than expected 🙂 The kit wheels and tires are junk (why can't revell get wheels right?) but the rest of the kit is nice. I cut off the kit stub axles and drilled the chassis for 2mm axles and aoshima wheels. Brakes are hobby design/crazy modeller parts.
 28 February 2024, 01:30
George Williams
What's not to like about a candy Cobra?
 29 February 2024, 13:09
Christian W
That looks great! A totally different color for the Cobra. Pretty. A good shine too.
 19 September 2024, 04:27
Rod - Auteur
Calling this one done.
 20 September 2024, 03:12
Well done!
 20 September 2024, 06:21
test mule? I want my cars to look like that! 🙂
 20 September 2024, 07:07
Rod - Auteur
I'm happy with it, but the colour is not what I expected. I will try again on something else. I need to get technique right before I paint 1/12 Otaki kit.
 20 September 2024, 07:58

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