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Work in Progress of a Junkers F-13
The kit part has only the big instruments so I added some HGW frames. Also no instrument decals provided. I used the ver...
Projet: Junkers F-13
54 10 April 2024, 17:15

Welcome Marcel!
I'm not really leave the WWI path. I built the Junkers D.I already, a type from 1918. This F-13 was build one year later and I was fascinated by pictures of the internal structures - the principles are nearly identical.
After I noticed the kit with the nice box art (painted by Eugeny Knupfer - the guy behind Small Stuff) on the EME for a fair price I had to take it.
The box is somehow big, so I need to build it to save space 😉 Another reason to start it was a chat with Christoph, because he had trouble with the undercarrige in his build. So I spend today some hours for a new undercarriage.
10 April 2024, 17:37

Thank you very much for your interest! A warm welcome to each one of you!
I was hoping for a quick project as there are not many parts, but it will take a while due to it's size.
11 April 2024, 09:50

The fit is different, from perfect to ugly deformed parts. At least the provided masks cut form ORAMASK fits on the cabin windows inside and outside.
11 April 2024, 20:06

A warm welcome mates!
@Martin I will put it aside to the other Junkers Junkers D.I - Short fuselage | Project by bughunter (1:48) so together they have two wings 😉
@Christoph No need to apologise! Your build invited me to look into this type and finally to buy the kit!
16 April 2024, 15:23

I want to have a rotating prop as on my other models, so I made a new wooden prop with a little bearing.
Over the time the F-13 used different airscrews and mountings. Wood or later also metal was used.
The kit provides only a airscrew with a clamping aluminium cone but a check of original photos of my marking do not show one (I have not checked the other possible markings). It looks exactly like the one in the Budapest Aviation Museum: [img1]
So I tried to replicate that one.
The airscrew of the F-13 in the "Deutsches Museum" München with a aluminium cone looks beautiful too, but has a different shape and metal leading edge.
16 April 2024, 16:25

Thank very much for your nice comments - highly appreciated!
Now the build is hold for some days, due to the famous Mosonshow. My first visit there. CU!
18 April 2024, 10:11

The trend is towards a second air screw so I made another airscrew of a different type. New pictures from 14.
I used the F-13 of the Deutsches Museum as a template, see the great pictures here:
Yesterday I made the airscrew, today the metal parts, final shaping and painting.
This special shape was a bit demading, but I wanted to see if I'm able to replicate it.
@Christoph(Postbote), you will need a 2.4mm drill to open the kit mount for the bearing, and a 3mm for a little recess on the front, And CA of course.
And I need your address. Please send me a Private Message.
I hope you will like this airscrew!
23 April 2024, 20:11

I don't have much free time at the moment, but I can't pass this up.
24 April 2024, 22:27

Thank you mates, I like it too. Now only the new owner of this second propeller needs to pop up ...
25 April 2024, 19:56

Not much happened the last days. At least I worked on the instrument panel (not sure what will be visible later).
The dreadful interior design has robbed me of my desire. What is this? Maybe I should have waited for MiniArt.
30 April 2024, 19:30

Carve it out and scratch build. I know it's a lot of work, but once we accept what we are faced with, the journey begins much better! I feel your pain!
30 April 2024, 19:43

Nice progress Bugsy!
The people that'll sit on the side are from a higher stature and as such are larger than life. Hence the big sofa 😉
30 April 2024, 21:40