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Fil démarré par StuPork

Stu Perry
a ajouté un nouvel album.
23 images
TANKS!View album, image #1
19 30 May 2024, 21:00
Thanks for the tanks! They look swell!
 31 May 2024, 08:33
Rui S
Excellent collection 👍 Congratulations
 1 June 2024, 02:12
Mr James
My god.... those are some beautifully weathered, distressed and dirty looking tanks. The kriegsmarine flag and the rusty exhaust on the Panzer 4 are wonderful. Excellent work Stu, excellent...
 1 June 2024, 03:14
Amazing! I particularly like the Sherman.
 1 June 2024, 07:00
Stu Perry Auteur
Thanks for the kind words all
 1 June 2024, 22:41

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