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T-28 S Fennec Progress
Here is the (preliminary) final product, held upright with blu tack on the front wheel.
20 23 August 2024, 23:34

For gloss try brushed on floor polish (klear or similar) if you can get it
24 August 2024, 22:47

I do have some Tamilya X-22, can it be mixed and sprayed with regular Vallejo airbrush thinner? Iirc it's not the same kind of acrylic paint as vallejo paints.
25 August 2024, 16:47

No, you need to use X-20A or isopropyl alcohol (won't work as well). It is alcohol-based rather than water based. It will not react if applied over or under Vallejo but it cannot be mixed.
I currently use X-22 for gloss and Vallejo flat clear for flat. I prefer to airbrush (maybe) less toxic solvents.
25 August 2024, 23:18