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SAAB Viggen - "Thor's Hammers" - Special Hobby - Quadruple Build
All mask segments, except the ones covering the light green areas are now removed and carefully put back onto the backin...
71 15 January, 18:11

Me too. Already learned to better open up the RAT turbine at my Viggen. A step I lazily omitted.
2 16 January, 08:33

Main assermbly done on all four models, but now I have a few days to spend sanding and filling unwanted seams and crude areas. A bit tedious, but that's what you get when you choose to build four nearly identical models at the same time.
17 January, 14:23

Oh my... Good luck, Thomas! 🙂
I own two of them and was thinking of a double build but rejected the idea. Thanks for the encouragement!
1 17 January, 18:26

Wow! That's a quick build! 😳 I can only dream to build ONE kit that fast, let alone four at once!
1 17 January, 19:29

Mr D, no, they are pretty much the same. Most of the parts for all versions are provided in every kit. But there are some subtle differences that need attention, like the extension of the fuselage for the fighter version.
1 17 January, 22:05

Patrick, haha, I am a pretty fast builder, but I am extremely slow when it comes to painting. That's where my projects usually come to a crawl.
3 17 January, 22:07

watching with interest - I love SAAB aircraft anyhow, but 4 of them in one project --great!!
1 18 January, 10:31

This is more interesting than I thought it would be. The subtle difference between them are pretty cool.
2 20 January, 10:53

With only a few minutes of modeling here and there this week, it's quite a slow progress, but I am still inching closer to the finished assembly.
30 January, 20:16

Primer coat applied, a few filling errors need to be fixed. Time is unfortunately very difficult to find because of work, so the project moves very slowly for a while.
12 February, 08:46

Undersides sprayed blue-gray with Mr Paint. Now let's wait a day for the paint to dry and then it's time to start working on the splinter camo. With my current speed, I expect to be finished by midsummer.
14 February, 14:15

Oh yes, once you get used to MRP, you'll never want another paint brand anymore! I love their colors, pigmentation and general ease of use. And, as a bonus, their sheen is perfect for adding decals directly on top.
2 14 February, 15:36

I am trying to find a way to avoid tiny gaps between the splinter camo color zones. I think I have figured it out - before spraying a color zone, also remove the masks for all adjacent surfaces not yet painted. Thereby a slight spray overlap is created, so even if the mask is then replaced with a tiny bit of offset, it should not be visible. Special Hobby writes something like that in the mask description, but it's written in a very obscure way.
17 February, 12:11

Looks great just give the corporal in charge of painting a reprimand on his record and send the plane to the flight you know how much it cost to paint aircraft, lol.
1 17 February, 13:55

macro is a bitch for this kind of details... if you place the model in the display cabinet, can you see that microline with wrong color? i think you can not 😉
1 17 February, 14:01

I have now started to add the masks to the models. It's quite a tricky task because I need to be extremely precise with the application - even the tiniest errors will be magnified as more mask segments are added, until things no longer add up. So it's a matter of constantly realigning the segments, which makes it all rather time consuming. BTW, I noticed that the pattern has a few minor errors, but I definitely won't lose any sleep over it.
1 19 February, 20:26

Thanks for your explain, Thomas. I thinked to would be more easy to apply 👍
1 19 February, 20:33

this camo is one of the most complicated to achieve and the fact that you are doing it 4 models at once... my deepest respect!
2 19 February, 21:20

Cuajete, Spanjaard and Łukasz, thank you for your interest! I am certainly not doing any cliffhanging on purpose - I am actually this glacially slow in reality. I also try to avoid aggravating the wifey by disappearing in my modeling man-cave for hours.
2 19 February, 21:45

Good and fully understood strategy 😄
As our common colleague (the one, you share initials with 😛) used to say: "Happy wife? Happy life!"
1 19 February, 22:05

Watching with interest. You will master the splinter camo for sure 👍
1 20 February, 17:10

I am still struggling with the masks, trying to making sure that they are applied exactly identical on all three models, which slows down the process a bit. Not that anybody except me would notice.
3 21 February, 10:59

Nice progress, I'm looking forward to the splinter camouflage. On my AJ-37 I used vinyl masks from DM Models, it looks like the masks you are using are a bit easier to handle.
1 22 February, 12:12

I have always had the conspirational theory that the Danish air force had a secret department dedicated to making life miserable for modellers, with their odd fonts, colours and aircraft modifications. The splinter camouflage is clear evidence of a similar department in the Swedish air force.
3 22 February, 12:19

Daniel, thank you! I am right now hoping that my end result will be at least in the general vicinity of your beautiful Viggen in flight!
22 February, 22:31

Kenneth, haha, you may be right! Nothing in the Swedish Air Force is easy to model! I however think that this splinter camo is actually easier to do than the elusive flat bare metal surface of the old Soviet chimney pipe jets.
2 22 February, 22:32