base de données du maquettisme | gestionnaire d'inventaire

Fil démarré par Adrian_KA

besitzt diesen Artikel
Trumpeter 1:350
06260 2013 Nouvel outillage
18 January, 20:10
Dieses Kommentarfeld ist dazu gedacht, andere wissen zu lassen, ob es relevante Informationen zum Kit gibt, um andere Mitglieder zu informieren.
Wenn Sie zu dem Artikel in Ihrem Vorrat gehen, auf das „+" und dann auf „Status" klicken, wird ein persönliches Kommentarfeld für Sie angezeigt.

This comment box is intended to let others know if there is any relevant information regarding the kit in order to inform other members.
If you go to the item in your stash, click on the '+' and then click on 'State' it will show a comment box which is personal to you.
 19 January, 08:02
Kesa Tiho
Du Sprechen Deutsch, Mark? Ich hatte keine Ahnung...
 19 January, 08:48
I can write as many languages as Google Translate allows me to. 😳
Come on...I've barely mastered English. 😄
1  19 January, 08:52
Kesa Tiho
Honestly I'm not surprised 😂 at least you know how to use it. Not something I can say for many people
1  19 January, 08:56
gorby, I think there is a bug in the system, that makes us see the automatic posts (somebody "added to the stash"). when we have the popular filter, that should avoid that. i have seen that a couple of times lately. if you go to the product page, there is no comment from Adrian, so I believe is nothing he has done 😉
1  19 January, 09:00
I have just posted about this in feature request, so Tim may check it
 19 January, 09:04
Thanks Spanjaard.
Entschuldige, Adrian, ich hätte nachsehen sollen. Es muss zu früh am Morgen sein, als dass mein Gehirn noch arbeiten könnte. 😉
 19 January, 09:13
Adrian Auteur
Hello everybody, indeed I didn't do anything except add that kit to my stash.
@ gorby: Ich weiß zwar nicht, was genau das Problem war, aber Entschuldigung angenommen 😉
Have a nice Sunday 🙋🏻‍♂️
1  19 January, 11:57
I'll close this case

- "besitzt diesen Artikel" message was added after the actual kit was added to the stash.
- The original add to kit message is still there, so there are 2 messages (?) See SCM Newsfeed added on 2 different times
- From the 14 Million wall messages, 39 of them have the text "besitzt diesen Artikel". All from the same user
- Wallposts have different types, the type of this message corresponds 100% to a manual comment

Scalemates is full of bugs, but this is not a bug

enjoy the rest of the week!

 20 January, 08:25

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