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63 29 January, 13:24

@Ben M, I use two hands to handle the airbrush and put the kit in a support.
1 27 February, 05:24

Those straight and true airbrush lines are impressive. I definitely need to try to improve…
1 27 February, 05:55

More details about my pre-shadding: Airbrush Fengda FE-180 with 0.2 needle, Tamiya XF-1 paint diluted with Mr. Hobby Lacquer Thinner around 80-90%, Pressure: 1 bar. The needle has been polished with Tamiya compounds.
5 27 February, 06:19

Wow polishing the needle with Tamiya compounds is quite the idea. I think I will try that! Which compound out of the three are you using for this? I'm assuming it's the finish product.
27 February, 06:58

@Cristian A, you need the 3 compounds: coarse, fine and finish. You will see how smooth will be the needle after coarse polishing. Because chinese airbrush needles are not very well finished.
2 27 February, 09:26

Polishing the needle is a great idea to avoid blotches. But I think it's more a matter of being able to move the airbrush in a perfect straight line and being able to start and stop the paint flow precisely where you want. Something you seem to have mastered.
2 27 February, 09:43

@Thomas, please try to use 2 hands and you will see how much control you gain 😉
3 27 February, 09:58

The more I look at the photos, the more impressed I am. Absolutely stunning paint job - I wish I could ever do something like that.
24 March, 09:15

I can only agree with Thomas. Some mighty nice paint job here - with the preshading particularly impressive. I am afraid that even with three hands and a foot my control wouldn't be sufficient for a similar quality.
Maybe it is still on your to-do-list, but as the instructions are not specific about them (at least thats what I have in the back of my head), I allow myself a reminder to paint the Nav-lights at the wing edges where the dotted triangles are.
24 March, 10:51

Thanks for your nice comments guys. The nav lights are painted near the extreme of leading edge and flaps, and the triangle. I don't know if you are referring to these ones, @Michael Kohl. In the to-do-list, maybe a litle touches with watercolors pencils and some scratches 😉
24 March, 13:03

More about paint-job: there is also post-shading with a lighter color and darker color from the base in zones where the pre-shading were lost.
Weathering: PLW with AK 2073 Sand and Desert Camouflage paneliner, streaking and filter with AMMO Mig Streaking Grime and some fading in panels and foward fuselage with AMO Mig PLW Pacific Dust.
24 March, 13:08

I agree with the mates. Great job. Fantastic painting job and result. Thanks for the info, Servalpe 👍
It's a shame that AMK hasn't released any other 1/72 scale kits, apart from this one and the L-39.
25 March, 19:05

@thanks Cuajete. But I think that is L-29, because I have the kit too 😉
26 March, 09:08

Sorry, I meant L-29 👍. I hit the other key on the keyboard. I didn't pay attention to what I typed.
27 March, 20:00