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Panavia Tornado ECR "Tiger Meet 2018"
All decals done on the plane. There are still some left for the tanks and missiles.
43 31 January, 15:52

Looks very good. The idea with the masking tape for the wingbags is great!
1 15 February, 16:58

Thank you guys and welcome. Hope I live up to your expectations.
I have noticed that there is a completely missing part on the kit. But it is clearly visible on the real airplane. Have a look here:
You can see an attachment on the underside at the front next to the nose gear doors, which is pointed at the front and has white dots/sensors. I will probably have to rebuild this. Does anyone know exactly what it is and what function it has?
1 18 February, 13:17

Coming along nicely, but I wonder which missing part on the ECR you mean? I will also shamelessly 😉 copy your method of covering up the holes where the wings fold, great idea! 👍
1 20 February, 11:46

Sorry, saw the link above regarding the missing part. Always thought that only the GR.4s had another thing there.
1 20 February, 12:18

Just noticed that there are no IRIS-T missiles with the kit. There are only AIM-9 Sidewinder included. But on all pictures I found of the 46+57 Tiger Tornado you can see the IRIS-T. So I'll check what I can do in this matter.
20 February, 16:56

There are two in the Revell Eurofighter Tigermeet kits, if you want another colorfull Luftwaffe jet.
1 20 February, 17:39

Alternatively you might want to invest in the Hasegawa set: Europe Aircraft Weapons Set (Hasegawa 35115, 1:72)
1 20 February, 20:06

Thanks @DerMattes and @Łukasz for your recommendations. I found the IRIS-T as a free 3D file on Thingiverse and tried to print it in 1/72. But you can forget it. The file was designed for 1/9 and therefore far too delicate at 1/72, so the print didn't run cleanly. Well, I haven't really warmed up to my 3D printer yet anyway. At least the printed pilot and the ladder worked reasonably well.
In the end I actually ordered the Hasegawa kit. Eurofighters will certainly follow in the future, so I'll certainly need the missiles from the kit.
1 24 February, 10:10

The decals look great!
If you get Hasegawa's Eurofighter you get all the weapons Łukasz mentions. Hasegawa going out of their preferred way of selling weaponless kits. This kit has IRIS-T missiles for use in Greek F-16 Block 52+ nad Italian Tornados and Meteor missiles for use in Rafales. Quite the bargain me thinks.
2 24 February, 10:28

I did not know, that you have a 3d printer, try this free IRIS-T:
I printed some missiles from sufa312, like the Kormoran for my F-104G. Works great and detail is great.
2 24 February, 10:32

Oh, the file from sufa312 really looks good and better to be able to print. I downloaded the file already and will check that out in the future. For now I will wait for the Hasegawa set.
25 February, 10:06