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Fil démarré par Dutch-Falcon

Robbert de Reus
a ajouté un nouvel album.
11 29 July 2018, 11:35
Patrick Hagelstein
Wow! To the untrained eye this looks like just an OOB build with the skirts slapped on but man I know what you had to modify to achieve this! Very well done!!! 👍
 29 July 2018, 15:18
Robbert de Reus Auteur
Tnks for the comment Patrick.
 29 July 2018, 17:20
David Deavall
Very nice indeed
 9 February 2020, 11:27
Björn Groen
Nice one... did a tamiya conversion to PRTL but I love your clean look
 31 July 2024, 09:30
Robbert de Reus Auteur
 31 July 2024, 19:53

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