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Fil démarré par Pan

Chen Pan
a ajouté un nouvel album.
28 images
MyAlbumView album, image #1
The turret can be weathered later, now I just want to prepare some Soviet figures for relaxing...
1:35 T-34/85 (Italeri 6545)
40 26 April 2021, 06:27
Great detail 👍
 4 June 2021, 05:42
Chen Pan Auteur
Thank you Tom!
 7 June 2021, 04:06
Carlos Wang
 13 June 2023, 11:26
Chen Pan Auteur
 15 June 2023, 03:02
Carlos Wang
 15 June 2023, 05:02
Michael Razz
nice one,specialy the interior is a eyecatcher for me.
 8 April 2024, 06:38
Chen Pan Auteur
Thanks Razz! You see I paint the interior 2 times (the first was not satisfactory) although I can see anything after completion
 6 February, 03:40
Rui S
Great pair 👍
 6 February, 19:06

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