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Military Modelling Vol. 30 No. 2

Military Modelling


Military Modelling
No de Modèle:
Vol. 30 No. 2 | February-March 2000

Table des matières

Editorial | Page 14

Reader's letters. Including amendment to Spanish Civil War markings.

Build Report, 1:16  | Page 16
Adolf Galland

by Rob Henden
Painting the Tamiya 1:16 scale figure.
German Luftwaffe Ace Pilot
Tamiya 1:16
36302 1999 Nouvel outillage

Build Report | Page 20
Carro Comando

by Giorgio Piocentini
Command tank conversion on the Italeri/Zevada M14/41 kit
Command Tank
Zvezda 1:35
3536 1998 Nouvelles pièces

Build Report | Page 26
Honour Guard

by David Lane
Painting an Italian Kingdom 54mm mounted figure

Build Report | Page 30
Towed Tank Destroyer

by Steve Zagola
Building the US M6 3in anti-tank gun and crew figures.
105 mm Howitzer M101
Italeri 1:35
319 1980 Nouvelle boîte
M2 105mm HOWITZER Conversion Set (Italeri No 319)
KMC 1:35
35-1005 199* Nouvel outillage
M6 3 inch Gun - Conversion Set
KMC 1:35
35-1008 1990 Nouvel outillage

Reference | Page 38
Uniforms of the Marlburian Wars

by Charles. S. Grant
Part 2 - The Bavarians

Review, 1:35  | Page 42
Fabelhaft Famo!

by John Prigent
A review of Tamiya's new German half-track kit.
Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18t (Sd.Kfz.9) Famo
Tamiya 1:35
35239 1999 Nouvel outillage

News | Page 55
Defence Systems and Equipment International

by Peter Brown
Report on full size equipment from around the world at last year's exhibition.