Model Military International 108

- Magazine:
- Model Military International
- No de Modèle:
- 108 | April 2015
- Langue:
- English
Table des matières
News | Page 4Newsline-April'15
What’s new in the world of military modelling
by Bruce CulverBruce Culver describes the design, development and operations of the Daimler Dingo Scout Car
Review, 1:35 | Page 12PINNACLE OF THE KV SERIES
by Luke PittWe’ve been waiting a while since it was first announced, but Luke Pitt finally gets his hands on Bronco’s new 1:35 scale KV-85.
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 14SPEED BUILDING
by Brett GreenThe Editor undertakes a lunchtime build of Tamiya’s new 1:48 scale Dingo Mk.II.
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 18NO PARKING!
by Carlos Alba López / Joaquin García Gázquez / Ramirez GutierrezReview, 1:35 | Page 25STUKA ZU FUSS
by Graham TetleyZvezda has released a 1:35 scale rocket-equipped Hanomag half-track based on the Ausf. C version. Graham Tetley takes a close look.
Review, 1:35 | Page 26SOMOUA SNEAK PEEK
by Marcus NichollsMarcus Nicholls takes a look at a pre-production sample of Tamiya's latest 1:35 tank kit, the French Somua S35. This is a newly-tooled kit, not a re-boxing of old sprues.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 28A DUSTY CZECK
by Luke PittLuke Pitt adds an engine bay and stowage to Bronco’s impressive new 1:35 scale Panzer 35(t).

Pz. 35(t) Skoda Lt. vz. 35 Engine set for CMK kit
CMK (Czech Master Kits) 1:35
3020 2003 Nouvel outillage 
Soviet Soldier at Rest (1943 - 1945)
Evolution Miniatures 1:35
EM-35070 Review, 1:35 | Page 38LEICHT FEUERWEHRAUTO
by Andy KingAndy King examines ICM’s 1:35 Opel Blitz Light Fire Truck.
Build Report, 1:10 | Page 40BIG BROTHER
by Matt WellhouserMatt Wellhouser describes a few of the changes to his standard technique when painting Nuts Planet’s large-scale Band of Brothers half-figure.

NuTs PLANET 1:10
NP-B007 Build Report, 1:35 | Page 46PROPAGANDA STAR
by Javier RedondoJavier Redondo builds Meng’s 1:35 scale Char 2C, describing painting and weathering in detail.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 52AN AUSTRALIAN IN VIETNAM
by Chris WauchopChris Wauchop builds and improves AFV Club’s 1:35 scale Centurion Mk.5/1.

Royal Australian Armoured Corps
Centurion Mk 5/1 (Vietnam Version) AFV Club 1:35
AF35100 2006 Nouvel outillage Review, 1:35 | Page 54TRANSATLANTIC 6 PDR
by Jeremy MooreJeremy Moore reviews Riich Models’ 1:35 scale 57mm Anti-Tank Gun.

M1 57mm Anti-tank gun on M2 Carriage (late version) Riich.Models 1:35
RV35020 2014 Nouvelles pièces Review, 1:35 | Page 58Incoming
by Brett GreenNews on accessories, tools and finishing products

M103A1 Heavy tank Basic(Gun barrel include) Dragon 3548
Voyager Model 1:35
PE35686 2014 Nouvel outillage 
UK Army Group, Army & Corps Unit Signs Summer 1943 –Spring 1945
Archer 1:35
AR77029 2013 Nouvel outillage 
UK Army Group, army & corps AOS Signs Summer 1943 –Spring 1945
Archer 1:35
AR77035 2013 Nouvel outillage 
UK Army Group, Army & Corps AOS Signs Summer 1943 –Spring 1945
Archer 1:35
AR77033 2013 Nouvel outillage 
US Army and Corps patches 1st, 5th and 7th Army and 3rd Corps
Archer 1:35
AR99067 2014 Nouvel outillage Miscellaneous | Page 59Book Reviews
by Luke Pitt / Brett GreenThe latest titles from the modelling press.
Editorial | Page 66The Last Post...