BMW R 75 with Sidecar
Photo 1 of 7
15 October 2012, 10:02

hi Frank, dein Mikrokrad :-D , ich habe mir grad erst den Wargamer-Steckbausatz des BMW-Gespanns von Zvezda gekauft aber der ist Welten von deinem entfernt, taugt gerade etwa für unter einen Flügel in einem Flugplatzdiorama 🙁 .
16 October 2012, 04:39

Hi Frank, you must really have huge hands, that this 1:35 bike appears so small...😉😉😉
Phantastic job in this small scale. I envy you for your skills...!
16 October 2012, 14:36

I guess the bike is 1:35 oob, but the hand is 1:9 and scratch built 🙂
16 October 2012, 17:38

incredible that you can detail a motorbike in 1/72... my deepest respect for this little wonder! 90% scratch built.... out of this world
22 March 2018, 22:53

Frank, you have way to much free time on your hands to do something so incredibly tiny, I'm guessing your eye's are not the best and you just felt your way around that bike. I would hardly be able to see it let alone build it, my hats off to you, Sir.👍👍👍
23 March 2018, 03:13

Wow, that looks fantastic! 👍 You must have really good eye sight to do something so tiny.
23 March 2018, 07:20
Album info
A 90% scratch built BMW.....