Northrop P-61 Black Widow - Monogram

I'm overwhelmed about your reaction...
I posted my "Black Widow" back in May and now I get all this attention (again).
Thank you All

Great job! Hey I would not complain, sometimes I think no one sees my stuff.LOL

Very well done and a nice display! The old Monogram Quarterscale kits have a nice level of detail. I build the F-106 and have had some others in my stash and was also astonished about all the fine details. Cheers, Christian
Album info
Northrop P-61 Black Widow - Monogram 1/48
I was astonished about the level of detail, this old Monogram kit is providing. The fit of the cockpit and the fuselage was good except of the clear parts. They didn't fit at all. It seems as if they were shrunk. The wings and engines need also some work. The plane is a real tail sitter. I stuffed it with weights, but it didn't help.
The kit was painted with Vallejo paint and some Preiser figures were added. The scuffeling is a little scratch build.
Die Details dieses alten Monogram Bausatzes haben mich ueberrascht. Der Rumpf und das Cockpit haben gut gepasst, nur die Kanzeln machten Problem. Sie waren alle samt zu klein uns man koennte meinen sie waeren geschrumpft. Die Tragflaechen und die Motorgondeln brauchten auch etwas mehr Zuwendung. Das Model ist extrem hecklastig und trotzt Gewichten konnte ich ihn nicht zum stehen bekommen.
Das Modell wurde mit Vallejo Farben lackiert und das Diorama mit Preiser Figuren ergaenzt. Die Arbeitsbuehne wurde "gescratcht".