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Flemming Forsberg (flemming)

Meet the fokkers ( Hasegawa 1:8 red baron ) just started

Photo 1 of 21


18 July 2013, 16:22
Steve Wilson
Well I can tell you...
Without any fear of contradiction.
It's not a Ferrari!!!😄
 18 July 2013, 16:27
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, wrong answere, you lost the chance to win a trip to Japan. LOL
 18 July 2013, 16:29
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, wrong answere, you also lost. but i like your idea LOL
 18 July 2013, 16:44
Steve Wilson
My answers right, I said it wasn't a Ferrari🙁
 18 July 2013, 16:52
Stefan Suessemilch
LOL Steve... wishing you a funny trip to Hasegawa😉
 18 July 2013, 16:56
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
LOL stefan, you did not give me your guess ?
 18 July 2013, 17:01
Stefan Suessemilch
Eeeeeeeerm.....air intake of......eeeerm an engine 🙂
 18 July 2013, 17:03
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
Stefan has the point, you are on the right way ehhehehehehe
 18 July 2013, 17:05
Fabian D.
These are the parts from an older piston engine, approximately built from 1890 til 1960.
I'd guess it'ssupposed to be a aircraft engine
 18 July 2013, 17:21
Frank Krause
I've won, I've won! I don't even need to guess....😉 😛😉
 18 July 2013, 17:42
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
Frank vielen spass fur dich, so tell me what it is ?
 18 July 2013, 17:50
Pascal GARAT
Le Rhone from Williams Bros.
 18 July 2013, 17:52
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
Pascal eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep wrong guess again lol thanks for trying
 18 July 2013, 17:52
Pascal GARAT
Hem... Doesn't seem to be a Clerget...
A clue about the Scale?...😄
 18 July 2013, 18:03
Frank Krause
No need to tell, Flemming. All I've got is LH 710 ticket in 4 weeks...
 18 July 2013, 18:07
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
Frank come on, do you really know it ?
 18 July 2013, 18:08
Pascal GARAT
Fokker DR1 1/8th ?...
 18 July 2013, 18:10
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
Pascal you are the winner of a trip to hasegawa factory for 2 persons, congratulations
 18 July 2013, 18:12
Frank Krause
Great, Pascal! Let's meet at Narita airport on Aug., 16th...😉
 18 July 2013, 18:15
Pascal GARAT
Great! 😄
 18 July 2013, 18:17
Frank Krause
The start looks great. I love the metallic, rusty look of the exhaust pipe (?). I'll have a seat and watch with interest. Snacks on me. Who brings the beer?
 18 July 2013, 18:24
Flemming Forsberg Auteur
hahaha i like beeers too watch the next series tomorrow, i will do the engine now
 18 July 2013, 18:24

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