Tamiya Me 262 A1a
Photo 1 of 54
1 10 September 2013, 09:40

das werd wieder top. Ich airbrushe immer die Rumpfbande. Mehr arbeit aber finde es schöner. 👍
10 September 2013, 10:32

Farben , der Spass am Leben , nur Grau wäre langewilig
bei den Zeichen brushe ich soweit wie möglich alles , nur Schriften , da sollte ich einen Plotter haben , die Shops in der Nähe können leider nicht so fein arbeiten wie verlangt 🙁
10 September 2013, 10:39

Thanks guys, wait a minute, I'm getting ready 😉
Color night 🙂
German identifiers are quite easy to implement 🙂
the camouflage, Gunze Color + min.50% isopropanol, pressure is 1.0 bar
distance to the object is 1 - 1.5 cm
11 September 2013, 07:14

to secure the antenna to stick together, I leave to the upper part of the rudder fin without glue, until the "wire" is attached with superglue the thing
the insulators are also superglue, but are reinforced with artist acrylic paint something
11 September 2013, 13:19

It looks fantastic. I love the paint job. You have some great skill with the airbrush.
11 September 2013, 17:22

Shake Tamiya kit without problem size, ready 🙂
Thanks to Tim (our admin and boss 🙂) for the page
Unfortunately, you can show the models in Germany only Zennsiert 🙁
it does make parts of the work destroyed
but so that paint all over to see 🙂
I am looking forward to all the reviews, because otherwise I have no comparison, except all images and templates on the Internet
12 September 2013, 06:35

always require some better pictures, so you just try it,
I'm not a photographer, but the midday sun I wanted to use it 🙂
13 September 2013, 10:38
Album info
Who shakes Tamiya to slowly get the wrong model 🙂 🙂 🙂
I wanted to also have a 27 with the Me 262 G / W fuselage band decals not available on my Fw 190 D 9 9./KG (J), so Airbrush 🙂