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Albi Hitz (Fluegelmann)

Fw 190D-9 I./JG 2


29 September 2013, 12:43
Albi Hitz Auteur
... some progress on the outside ...
 12 October 2013, 18:43
Martien Lourens
Nice start Albi. This was one of the first models that I put on scale mates
 12 October 2013, 18:58
Stefan Schacht
Hi Albi, sieht gut aus.
 12 October 2013, 19:14
Albi Hitz Auteur
@ Martien: but you removed it 😉 .... and thank you
@ Stefan: Hallo Stefan, danke. Mal sehen wo das hinführt 😉 ....
 12 October 2013, 19:31
Martien Lourens
? it,s still there Albi
 12 October 2013, 19:34
Albi Hitz Auteur
ahh ... my bad. Now i got it!
Its a colorful nice "Papageienstaffel" Version ...
I was not sure with the version so i choose an JG 52 one which was taking part on "Operation Bodenplatte" and belly-landed later that day ...
 12 October 2013, 19:44
Martien Lourens
you are free to make what you want.
 12 October 2013, 20:06
Albi Hitz Auteur
... start with the markings ...
 13 October 2013, 19:30
Albi Hitz Auteur
... its a lot more work as I thought! ...
 18 October 2013, 17:37
Norman Gruss
Nice work
 18 October 2013, 17:48
Stefan Fraundorfer
Die Lackierung sieht klasse aus. Bin auf das Endergebnis gespannt.
 18 October 2013, 18:19
Christian Lehmann
Hello Albi,
please check your references. The displayed plane with the yellow-white-yellow Reichsverteidigungsband belonged to JG 2. JG 52 did not attend operation Bodenplatte.
 18 October 2013, 18:55
Albi Hitz Auteur
Vielen Dank Norman und Stefan ...

@ Christian:
Du hast recht! Ahhh das ging wieder mal zu schnell ... Mein Fehler!
Danke für den Hinweis.
 18 October 2013, 19:08
Clifford Keesler
Looking really good.
 18 October 2013, 19:14

Project info

15 images
1:32 Focke-Wulf Fw190D-9 (Hasegawa 08069)1:32 Fw 190D-9 (Montex K32088)1:32 Seatbelts Luftwaffe Fighters (HGW Models 132502)

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