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B (Navyaircraftguy)

Pearl Harbor in

Photo 1 of 19


25 December 2013, 23:12
B Auteur
I'm working on the P-40B,it's coming along nicely. As you can see I worked on the cockpit,added the wings and stabilizers. I haven't used any putty and it looks like I won't have to. Thanks for looking 😄
 26 December 2013, 03:14
B Auteur
I highly reccomend this kit,so far the P-40 is nice,the Zero looks great but we'll see how it is when I start that one
 26 December 2013, 03:25
Duncan Cook
I hope your Diorama is not directed by Michael Bay. 😉
Looks good, I heard that the Zero has some problems with the fuselage, because it's not straight.
 26 December 2013, 15:23
B Auteur
Haha 🙂 that movie wasn't that bad,very inaccurate though...the zero seems to be fine we'll see though
 26 December 2013, 16:07
Adam Carter
A friend of mine built the zero and he said it was a great little kit. The legs are very brittle though and prone to snapping
 26 December 2013, 16:09
B Auteur
I'm putting them on the stand so it looks like the P-40 is chasing the Zero
 26 December 2013, 16:10
Hunter Cummins
Damit brandon there you go again 😉;)😛
Makimg me want an aircraft kit 😉;)
 26 December 2013, 16:15
B Auteur
Haha 🙂 I don't know how you armor guys do it,tank kits look very challenging and painting them by brush looks hard maybe I'll eventually get one 😄
 26 December 2013, 16:18
Hunter Cummins
Hahaha they aint that hard really but they arent as easy tobuild as 1/72? Aircraft 😉 and id recomend getting 1/72 scale tank to start witn 😉;)😛
And the yellow green is way to yellow (just sayin;))
 26 December 2013, 16:21
B Auteur
I'm going to the hobby shop later with my money,we will see what I come back with lol
 26 December 2013, 16:26
Hunter Cummins
Hahahha im going tommorrow
And if you want a model tank
Gofor the dragon 1/72 scale tanks😄 because they are about 2 dollars or lower😄😄
And it still leaves a lot of money for aircraft 😉;);)😛
 26 December 2013, 16:32
Duncan Cook
2 Dollars?
They cost up to 30 Euros up here. the 1:72 ones.
 26 December 2013, 16:33
B Auteur
I think you mean the airfix,at my hobby shop they are 6 dollars for the 1/76 ones
 26 December 2013, 16:35
B Auteur
New Pictures are up
 26 December 2013, 16:38
Hunter Cummins
Damn my stupid letrer keys 😉
I meant 20 dolars for the dragon model tank kits such as this one

Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. N (Dragon 7386, 1:72)

 26 December 2013, 16:40
Adam Carter
2 dollars is about a pound isn't it? God we get ripped off in Britain, a 1/72 dragon tank is about ten pounds!
 26 December 2013, 16:41
Hunter Cummins
Adam I messed up because I forgot the zero lol
Its 20 usd here for a 1/72 dragon model tank
 26 December 2013, 16:42
Adam Carter
That's makes more sense lol.
 26 December 2013, 16:43
Hunter Cummins
Hahajz I thought it would lol
 26 December 2013, 16:49
B Auteur
I'm starting to paint the bottom,pics will be up,later
 26 December 2013, 17:36
Hunter Cummins
Cant wait m8😄
 26 December 2013, 17:37
B Auteur
New pic is up
 26 December 2013, 17:42
Adam Carter
Quickest build progression ever! I thought I was quick lol
 26 December 2013, 17:46
Duncan Cook
You are improving, you should take more time when you take your pictures.
More light and more patience should help. 🙂
 26 December 2013, 17:53
Hunter Cummins
Wow brandon
You have lightning skills lol
 26 December 2013, 18:23
B Auteur
Thanks Hunter! 😄
 26 December 2013, 18:56
Hunter Cummins
No problem 😄
 26 December 2013, 19:21
B Auteur
I went to the hobby shop and got this: The Dambusters Avro Lancaste..ecial) (Airfix A50138, 1:72)

 26 December 2013, 21:45
Hunter Cummins
How much was she
 26 December 2013, 21:52
B Auteur
60 dollars,totally worth it it has 275 parts and paint,glue and brushes
 26 December 2013, 21:55
Hunter Cummins
Wow lol
Im getting 2 airfix airplanes tommorrow 😄😄😄😄😄 im so excited 🙂🙂
Check my page 😉 you might be proud of me
 26 December 2013, 22:31
B Auteur
I almost finished the P-40 and I'm starting the Zero,once I finish both,I'll decal them at the same time. Pics will be up soon
 26 December 2013, 23:30
Hunter Cummins
 26 December 2013, 23:39
B Auteur
Pics are up
 26 December 2013, 23:54
B Auteur
The pilot was to big for the Zeros cockpit,so I cut his legs off so he could fit
 26 December 2013, 23:58
Hunter Cummins
Man that poor pilot lol
 27 December 2013, 00:05
B Auteur
Haha 😉 how's he going to fly? That might be a problem....lol
 27 December 2013, 00:06
Hunter Cummins
Thats a really big problem 😉 lol
 27 December 2013, 00:36
B Auteur
He must of been the first to get shot down
 27 December 2013, 00:37
Hunter Cummins
Good story haha
It fits the picture necause there is an american P-40 on his ass lol
 27 December 2013, 00:39
B Auteur
You're right about that! lol
 27 December 2013, 00:41
Hunter Cummins
Hahaha ikr lol
 27 December 2013, 01:06
Adam Carter
So i take it you guys are in the states, is Airfix hard to get hold of? Over here its everywhere! Great build btw
 27 December 2013, 08:51
Hunter Cummins
Yup we are in tge states lol and airfix is really common here wear I am 🙂
 27 December 2013, 13:43
Duncan Cook
I love Airfix, cheap and they have good quality now.
I also like the old kits because I love to sand and to putty.
 27 December 2013, 13:48
Hunter Cummins
Their new kits are amazing 😄
 27 December 2013, 13:53
B Auteur
@ Adam I'm also in the states,airfix is very common. At my local hobby shop,they have so many airfix kits they have a whole section of the shop called the "Wall of Airfix" and they're cheap to.
 27 December 2013, 14:10
Hunter Cummins
They are like 10 dollars for the 1/72c basic kits and the starter sets are 12 dollars
 27 December 2013, 14:16
B Auteur
The guy at my hobby shop said the 1/72 Lancaster is a starter set,I don't think it is even though it comes with glue and paint
 27 December 2013, 14:17
Hunter Cummins
It cant be lol
It has 300 parts haha
 27 December 2013, 14:25
B Auteur
I don't think someone's going to spend 60 dollars on there first model
 27 December 2013, 14:27
Hunter Cummins
Yea me neither haha
 27 December 2013, 14:35
B Auteur
2 new pics. I painted the engine of the Zero jet black,once it's dry I'll dry brush it with a steel color.
 27 December 2013, 14:53
Duncan Cook
I think it would bebetter if you use a very dark metal collour, pure black is too dark in my opinion.
 27 December 2013, 14:55
Duncan Cook
[img1] Here is a good picture of the Engine.
 27 December 2013, 14:58
B Auteur
I'm going to drybrush it
 27 December 2013, 15:01
Hunter Cummins
That.s what I do
 27 December 2013, 15:07
Adam Carter
It's good to see airfix flying the flag over there. I'm surprised it's a big brand, we always get the impression you just sit around making horrors out of Revell kits in the states!
 28 December 2013, 11:35
Hunter Cummins
Lol I dont even build revell kits hahaha and airfix is pretty darn cool
 28 December 2013, 14:34
Fabian D.
Is there even a big brand comming from the US? Revell Germany claimed a few years ago that they had 85% of the German market, which seems true if you have a look in our toy shops and department stores... and my stash 😉 .
Although buying one of their aircraft kits (when you don't know what's inside) is always a lottery 🙂
But what they've done in the last years in 1:35 was great... the offered kits quite new kits, with "better" decals and even cheaper than the originals
 28 December 2013, 15:16
Fabian - Revell is the closest big brand US modeling company that I know of and if I am wrong I am sure I will be corrected. In fact Hobbico bought Revell Germany and reunited the Revell brand a little over a year ago. Here is a link for more info


Brandon - looking good 🙂

 28 December 2013, 15:33
Hunter Cummins
I think robb covered it all lol 😉
 28 December 2013, 15:41
B Auteur
Thanks Robb,I'm decaling both planes now,once they're done I'll post pics
 28 December 2013, 15:44
Fabian D.
Thanks for the info... i knew hobbico bought revell Germany, but not the "other" revell ... but as we have our own revell i have never really noticed one of their products ...
 28 December 2013, 16:13
Hunter Cummins
Oh and I just camoed the bf 109
Pics in a minute 😄
 28 December 2013, 18:26
B Auteur
Pearl Harbor in 1/72 is now complete 😄
 29 December 2013, 00:21
Hunter Cummins
Nice man this looks amazimg 😄😄😄
Now if only I could be as good as you 😉😄
 29 December 2013, 00:23
B Auteur
I uploaded the completed pics
 29 December 2013, 00:25
B Auteur
Thanks Hunter 😄 that means a lot! 😄
 29 December 2013, 00:26
Hunter Cummins
No problem 😄 and same here when you comment on my plane 😉😄
 29 December 2013, 00:46
Hunter Cummins
These tjrned out great 😄
 29 December 2013, 01:31
B Auteur
Thanks Hunter! 🙂
 29 December 2013, 01:33
Hunter Cummins
No problem man 😄🙂
 29 December 2013, 01:57
Clifford Keesler
Looks good Brandon.
 29 December 2013, 01:59
B Auteur
Thanks Clifford
 29 December 2013, 02:00
uncle chop chop
Hay man that's a really good build plz have a look at my A6M3 3a plz tell me what u think oh and bye the way I will have better photos of the build and finished model a bit later pic are only off my phone but still plz tell me what u think I mixed the colour my self
 12 January 2014, 12:51
B Auteur
Thanks! I'll check yours out! 🙂
 12 January 2014, 13:02
Duncan Cook
Looks good Brandon.
 12 January 2014, 13:09
B Auteur
Thanks Duncan
 12 January 2014, 13:11
Clifford Keesler
You have come along way there fella.
 12 January 2014, 20:48
B Auteur
Thanks Clifford! 😄
 12 January 2014, 22:12
Hunter Cummins
Brandoncheck out my bf 109 and tell me what you think 🙂
 12 January 2014, 22:16
B Auteur
I just did 🙂
 12 January 2014, 22:20

Project info

19 images
1:72 Curtiss P-40B Warhawk & Mitsubishi A6M2B-21 Zero (Airfix A50127)

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