New Workroom

Yes nice bright room just a bit worried about the carpet! might have to put a cheap rug down! By the way I got the desk for free and the chair and the micro stereo was found in the rubbish bin the other day at work! complete with a cd still in it!!! And it works fine! The 3inch grinder was a birthday gift from my girlfriend, Oh I did buy the standing light though! 🙂

Make sure the cheap rug is NOT one of those small part eaters.
You want one that you can easily find small parts dropped/pinged or knocked onto the floor;)

True Dat! Steve, Oh I was thinking of a nice thick "light gray" shagpile rug baby! Or maybe not!!! i'm not much into rugs! 😮

Yes Karl, The big firecracker is 1/72! about 5 feet tall when built. but at least it doesn't take up much room, you can stand it in a corner.

Hey Glenn, what are you doing with part of my stash in your cupboard? 🙂
Nice to see you have a work space now.

Hello Glenn. Brand, spankin' new - and clean! Looks like a nice bright spot to work. I like your profile pic as well. Nice fusion of Star Wars and Pink Floyd - two of my favourites. Happy building 🙂

Cheers! Thanks Guys. Sorry Ray I snuck in last night and raided your place! I won't show you what else I have then! 😮 Thanks Alan! I guess you know what i'll be listening to then on the cd player! 🙂

Hi Guys I added some more photos to this album but unless I comment I don't think anyone will get to see that there's anything new added here? 🙂

Thanks Es-haq, It's good to get something built even if it's only small! I hope to get things built now a bit quicker now I have a place to work!

Cheers Augie! I still hand brush small things but now i've got all those new airbrushes i'll most likely squirt paint on most subjects! Looking forward to trying them soon.

Thanks Clifford, Just Looking at some of your work in your albums very impressed! I gotta get more of my stuff built now cheers!

Thanks guys, Mmm... Burkhard of course it started neat after all i'm performing "plastic surgery" The cave don't look so neat now that I started building, look at the later pics stuff everywhere! 😮 Still trying to decide what I'll tackle next? something a little larger I think", time to fire up the airbrushes!

Oh, yes I see. No matter what you do, you end up surrounded by tools and references with only an area the size of a stamp left for working. My workbench resembles that. 😄
Album info
Finally got my new workroom setup over at my girlfriends house! Update! i finally got something built a 1/72 Spad XIII-C. I chose to build this kit as it's the first thing i've built in a long time! Plus it's also the first kit i built when i was 7 years old! well 37 years later and this time it's painted and decaled unlike the first one i built. I've also been raiding the $2 shops for some new tools found in the makeup section! tweezers and other stuff handy and cheap! I found a very dangerous looking stainless scriber looking thing (not sure what woman do with this?) thats handy for placing decals into position. I also brought some new airbrushes! very cheap nowdays on Ebay! And found that nail polish remover is a very good decal setting agent plus its very cheap! This kit was hand painted but i most likely airbrush most other things i build.