My Eduard Collection
Photo 1 of 35
28 January 2015, 21:54

aside from their 1:47th scale Bf109G of course 😉
but yes the surface detail is second to none ! 🙂
Although I did make a start on their Bf109 1:32 weekend kit and was slightly disappointed with the flash on it but still a good looking kit. Their 1:48 Spitfire is awesome though as are many of their other kits, they do indeed rock 🙂
3 February 2015, 14:32

Eduard's kits needs some getting used to that's for sure. But haven't seen any showstopper flaws in their kits (so far my tally is 4) build-wise which can't be fixed with some care and putty lovin' baby!
Accuracy is a whole different subject of course, but i am happy with their recent kits... Also check their recent infoeduard magazine, looks like they have interesting plans for the future.
3 February 2015, 16:36

Now as for 1/32 nd scale spits surely Tamiya's must rate as one of the best
3 February 2015, 17:01

trouble with the Tamiya one is that is just too expensive, an Eduard Spit would be half the price at least if their Bf109 is anything to go by, and besides it is high time Tamiya had some decent competition 🙂
3 February 2015, 17:22

don't get me wrong I would love one but I can't justify £100 on one kit which is why I am hoping Eduard will do one, I have the new tool Revell MkII which is pretty good but I reckon Eduard could do a top notch one 🙂
3 February 2015, 17:47

Yea I get what you mean Choppa they do seem to be able to make things just so much better
3 February 2015, 21:02

they do, although some of their kits use molds from other manufacturers like Academy's 1:48 Phantom etc.
Surprisingly they only do 1 kit in 1:32nd scale 🙁 hopefully this will be amended soon, I would like to see the classic fighters from WW2 in their catalogue, Corsair F4U, Spitfire, Mustang, FW190, A6M Zero etc. etc.
3 February 2015, 21:22

when Eduard do the Dual Combo thing does that mean there are two complete kits in there or is it two distinct variant options ? 🙂
5 February 2015, 17:55

Sweet 🙂 hopefully the decals will allow you to do two craft from the same unit, famous wingmen and all that 🙂
5 February 2015, 18:09

In some of there Dual kits though not all of them some its just different squadrons etc
5 February 2015, 18:11

I haven't had the chance to do any of the Eduard kits yet,but their Mig 21 is on my list.
6 February 2015, 03:12

yep it really does, I want the North Vietnam one (or maybe two 😄 )
6 February 2015, 03:46

Well, I think we are ready for a" Bundesfighter" contest. I`m ready to start mine... So who will be in ? Suggested deadline may be first of october this year. Feel free to send a PM and rock this forum with many Starfighters 🙂
6 February 2015, 19:36

No matter which one for sure🙂 My thought was that this one is an excellent reissue of this famous Hasegawa kit loaded with so many goodies out of the Eduard range. So in my opinion it is worth a try. Once again... who`s in ?
6 February 2015, 20:00

Hi Augie... I had this in my mind before posting anything. Make an educated proposal why you were my first choice on this contest ? tztztz... Watching your albums from the start of SM 😉
6 February 2015, 20:07

Lol Christian you have me blushing🙂 thank you!
Its nice to know they bring as much pleasure to others as they do to me 🙂.. god i sound soo big headed.
6 February 2015, 20:57

not at all Augie 🙂
Anyhow so whats the theme ?
Is it any cold war jet or is it any Eduard kit ?
because I have a couple of Hobby Boss Mig 17's that keep looking at me 😄
6 February 2015, 21:42

I'm going to try and be in. Just let me know what the rules are.
7 February 2015, 03:25

My first thought was the Eduard kit, but why not a Starfighter contest? The only rule is that there are no rules.🙂
7 February 2015, 07:37

A great collection there mate, and I do like the box art too. Sadly we don't have many outlets for Eduard here in Oz, but what there is comes in at a hefty price. 🙁 🙁
7 February 2015, 08:17

Mike, Thank you mate, I was looking at BNA in Melb, but now you have said Lucky, I will take a look. 🙂
7 February 2015, 10:37

I used to live at trinity beach nr Cairns there was a really good model shop at Smithfield but the better one was in cairns it was like going back in time floor to ceiling models I used to spend ages in there and the price was good although this was 2008-09 I am going to look through some of my models see if I can find a label with there name on it
7 February 2015, 10:53

I don't know if the shop at Cairns is still there the guy was an old guy but the one at smithfield should still be there as it was a big store
7 February 2015, 13:17

Why don`t buy them directly, collect some items in one order and save shipping costs?
7 February 2015, 17:44

When I was on there web site just after xmas they had already sold out are they back in now ?
7 February 2015, 18:04

The "Bundesfighter" is sold out at Eduard store but it is still available at other stores.
7 February 2015, 18:19

Hey there everyone I have managed to locate someone who has and can get still the bundesfighter eduard model and ship to the uk and europe at good competative prices please message me for further details
8 February 2015, 13:38

Does the 104 have to be in European markings or all markings open? Just wondering.
8 February 2015, 18:04

good question I think it maybe all markings not to sure as it was Christian Meyerhoff who suggested the build off Clifford
8 February 2015, 18:23

It's not a problem. I found the one I want to do. And it is German. I was fanicated with the German F-14s and F-4s when I was stationed there. I always thought they looked so cool.
8 February 2015, 23:16

damn ! my imternet went down yesterday and I missed out on a bid for a 1:48 revell Tiger meet 104 🙁 boo
10 February 2015, 15:26

I thought I had one of those in my stash but its not there on scalemates not that really means anything as I still have hundreds of kits books etc to put up
10 February 2015, 18:33

Choppa what side of the pond are you on? I know sprue brothers, Squadron and Hobby linc all carry the Revell Tiger meet 104, and the cost is only like 15-18 dollars US.
11 February 2015, 00:48

I'm in the UK, I'll keep eye out on ebay, a bargain will pop up at some point if I'm patient 🙂
Creative models often do some good bargains. we shall see 🙂
11 February 2015, 01:06

I hope you can find one. I like it but have been Hesitant to try it because of the color scheme, but think I may have to try one. Can't go wrong for the price.
11 February 2015, 01:09

Great collection! Lucky you! 🙂 I just noticed that they have some specific box art too! 🙂
11 February 2015, 20:45

Thank you Es its not all my eduard collection I have some more to put up yet just going through my stash and getting them on here now
12 February 2015, 01:40
Album info
become fanatical about Eduard over the last few years used to be Accurate minatures but Eduard is a long way in front now personal opinion of course