Audi R15 TDi Plus - S27
Album info
Vehicle : Audi R15 TDi Plus
Kit Studio 27
Scale : 1/24
− CF decal applied for all surfaces, which would be CF on actual car. [F’Artefice, SMS, S27]
− Cockpit passenger side structure and items scratch-built.
− Electronics boxes and mounting bracketry scratch-built from styrene scrap. Added Electrical connectors [Top Studio] and wiring [MFH).
− Replaced all molded in switches/buttons with machined metal pieces [MFH, Hobby Design], and painted per references.
− Replaced original kit seat belt (1-piece p.e.) with more correct parts for hardware [SMS] and belt material.
− Replaced tires and Michelin tire decals with parts from Fujimi Porsche 911RSR.
− Added tire valves [RB Motion]
− Replaced antenna original kit parts with machined metal parts. (MFH, A+Club)
− Replaced all molded fasteners with machined metal pieces [Top Studio, RB Motion, Hobby Design]
− Added random parts and wiring under mesh opening on rear deck.
Paint and Finish:
− Tamiya Me