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Joseph Johnson (Joe3571)

My Revell F4-G wild weasel

Photo 1 of 11


23 July 2015, 06:33
Bulldog Scale Models
Really great work on this F4, the details are really good, really like the 'Remove before Flight' flags are excellent.
 23 July 2015, 07:36
Holger Kranich
Wow Joseph, you really made the best of it! Beautiphul! 😄
What kind of missle is that on port side?
 23 July 2015, 08:15
Soeren R.
 23 July 2015, 09:03
Joseph Johnson Auteur
Thanks guys the bigger missle is the much older AGM 78 ARM while the other is the more standard AGM 45 SHRIKE
 23 July 2015, 17:48
Joseph Johnson Auteur
I guess one of these days I need to build a photo booth cause on the day I took the outside part of these pic's it was so bright out and my normal shade spot was so dark as a result so I will have to do another better photo shoot of this 1/32 beast and I guess ill have to redo the Skyhawk as well sense I got no comments on it I guess it was not up to par. ill try to do better with the pics.
 25 July 2015, 08:54
Christian Ristits
Clean and sharp Work Joseph!
 25 July 2015, 10:00
Joseph Johnson Auteur
Thanks Christian
 25 July 2015, 20:09

Album info

mostly built out of box except used Tamiya tape for seat belts photoetch buckles from Verlinden FOD covers from AMS Resin flight by Aero bonus.

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