Building the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen (GHQ / 00)
Photo 1 of 33
7 April 2016, 14:11

Wow. If I calculate that correctly, the Prinz is more or less the size of a king size cigarette and the whole dio would fit in a cigarette box. The model is white metal, is it?
7 April 2016, 14:59

Intersting project in a really small scale. Looks very nice so far 👍
7 April 2016, 18:42

@Jörg: I don´t know, how long a cigarette is...
The model itself is 8.5cm long, and yes, it´s made from white metal.
The whole diorama is 11.2 x 4.1 cm, just like the one with my Graf Spee:
Panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee (GHQ / 00) | Album by Graf Spee
I´m glad you like.
This is my first try, to built such a scene.
I´m hoping, it will look as good, as I want it to, in the end. 😉
Meanwhile, there are also some more photos added. 🙂
7 April 2016, 20:17

The cigarette is 84x7mm - so the Prinz is just a little bit broader. Inbelievable. Very cool looking docks & wharf!
7 April 2016, 20:54

This is so cool, Mathias! You are the true master of micro modelling.🙂👍
8 April 2016, 04:44

Thank you, mates. 🙂
@Christian: I guess I´ll bring it with me to Uplengen, so that you can see it there. 🙂
9 April 2016, 12:37

That`s nice Mate! I will have a very close look at it for sure! 🙂
9 April 2016, 19:22

@Christian Bruer: That wouldn´t be that easy, as I don´t have one...
@Christian Ristits: The ship itself is about 8.5cm long.
The whole scenery is 11.2cm long and 4.1 cm wide.
The highest building (the second one from the left) is 0.7cm high.
The "Helgengerüst" is 1cm high.
10 April 2016, 10:54

Thank you. 🙂
Unfortunatly I had to dismantle the whole hall, as the windows and the roff weren´t as I wanted them to be.
Pictures will follow soon.
15 April 2016, 14:42

Guess you once told me crazy because of the small scales I build🙂
Mhhh, just thinking who is more crazy😄
Top work my crazy mate 👍
17 April 2016, 13:21

Thank you, Christian....
One of the next steps will be laying down the tracks and build a locomotive including some wagons.
And in the meantime, I´ve built a U-Boot and a small ship for the wharf.
17 April 2016, 13:25

You know you'll need some crates, pipes, boxes etc. next to some figures and Opel Blitz trucks to bring life to the scenery😉
17 April 2016, 13:56

Thank you. I´ve just uploaded the pictures of the "Kleinlokomotive Köf II".
Hope you´ll like it. 🙂
17 April 2016, 20:56

pfff... I hope you don't cough or sneeze while painting... so tine, but wel done...
18 April 2016, 07:44

Yep for sure, you are much more crazy😄
Good you mentioned Kleinlokomotive (small locomotive), otherwise no one knows - hehehehe
All I can say Mathias, I lift my hat of this microscopic work 👍 I remember you do not use a magnifier? May we should call you Eagle Eye!
18 April 2016, 16:44

@Christian: Yes you´re right. Still working without magnifier, only with "Eyeball Mk. I"😉
18 April 2016, 19:34

The tug I need is finished in the meantime and so is the train.
Hope you like them.
Next step: Maybe some Opel-Blitz trucks, and then, finaly, the Prinz himself. 🙂
19 April 2016, 20:13

how about some personnel maybe, while at it... but love to see the blitzes... micromodelling at it's best...
20 April 2016, 07:21

Thank you both.
@Bart: I´m realy thinking of how to do the personnel... If I´ll find a solution, I´ll definitly add it. 🙂
20 April 2016, 07:23

mhh, a person of 1m80 should be 0.75mm in scale, waist of 40cm is 0.2mm, maybe 3 0.1mm wires together one side arms and leggs, other side and waist and head in between... but it will be tiny, but I don't think I'll have to remind you about that 😉
20 April 2016, 07:55

I wouldn't be surprised if Mathias even would realize some uniform details on those!😛
20 April 2016, 09:06

To be honest, I´ve already built a Opel Blitz, Opel Admiral and Opel Kadett...
There will be a few "figures" from 0,15m wire, but they will be very simple.
Simply a painted piece of wire.
I think, figures in this scale are to tiny for me. 🙁
😢😉 😄
20 April 2016, 20:25

Cool – photos please! About the figures, may you can use wire for the body, paper for legs and arms and a drop of PVA glue for the head, to make some hundred figures - workers and crew members – to bring some more life to the tiny diorama. Looking forward to your progress😄
21 April 2016, 18:59

Your wish is my command.😉
I´ve tried to built the figures, just the way you suggested, but I guess my limit (at this moment) is reached. 🙁
But we´ll see in the future.
"How tiny can you build?"😉 😄
21 April 2016, 19:18

Guess I'm out with this scale because of the focus of my magnifier. I tried a scale 1:1250 with some modifications cause you fixed me with your Graf Spee. That seems to be the smallest scale for me. You should note, the older you get the bigger the scale😉 😄
22 April 2016, 16:05

Hmm at the moment, for me its the other way.
I started as a boy with 1:48, then came 1:72.
After a break I started again with 1:350 and then came 1:2400...😉
22 April 2016, 18:02

Meanwhile the Prince and the tug are in position.
Only the ropes, figures and smoke are missing.
24 April 2016, 15:08

Thank you.
I had quite some trouble, making the waves of the tug, towing the Prinz, looking right.
24 April 2016, 15:20

Well, That`s great! May we see this one next Friday?
Cheers Mate!
24 April 2016, 18:29

Thx, Ingmar. 🙂
You´ll definitly see it at the Stammtisch.
But it´s on Saturdasy, not Friday.😉
25 April 2016, 04:31

Ist schon geil so ein Streichholzschachteldiorama. Fehlt nur noch ne angebaute Lupe für die Betrachter.
25 April 2016, 08:17

@Björn: Ne, das würde dann den Effekt haben, dass man versucht, nicht vorhandene Details zu finden...
@Torben: Thx, mate. 🙂
25 April 2016, 09:26

This project is almost finished.
Prinz Eugen and Tug Emil are in position, the towing line is also rigged.
Figures are in place so that only the masts of Prinz Eugen and their rig are missing.
25 April 2016, 20:56

I wanted to ask where the main mast is, but thought you'd never forget such a detail 😉
26 April 2016, 05:08

@Ingmar: I´ll scratch the mast, because the "kits" part wasn´t looking like the real one.
26 April 2016, 06:03

Excellent 👍 but take care, in photo no. 33 I spot left and right two of Bernhard Wallis secret bouncing bombs😄
26 April 2016, 19:23

Thank you both.
The scenery is completed, so that I can make some pictures of the result soon. 🙂
27 April 2016, 04:36

Maybe you can see more "details" on the Pictures from the final result.
I´m hoping I´ll be able to make some this afternoon. 🙂
27 April 2016, 09:28

So here´s the link to the pictures of the finished model:
Schwerer Kreuzer Prinz Eugen (GHQ / 00) | Album by Graf Spee
Hope, you like it. 🙂
27 April 2016, 20:03
Album info
I´m trying tu build the heavy cruiser as it was laying in front of the Germania Werft in Kiel in 1941, just before the departure to the Baltic.