Spanjaardvery nice collection.
24 April 2016, 19:02
AugieNow that is nice Rhinos 🙂
24 April 2016, 19:20
Clifford KeeslerAlways did like the British F-4s, they looked like ours on steroids. Nice collection.
24 April 2016, 21:22
Holger KranichPhabulous Phantoms! They look awesome!
25 April 2016, 14:52
Chris Hodgson AuteurThank you for the kind comments gents 🙂
30 April 2016, 21:37
GlennThey look great! 🙂
1 May 2016, 00:34
Alistair GrahamNice phantom. About time a manufacturer released a modern moulded british version.
1 May 2016, 00:44
GaryGreat job on one of my favorite aircraft. Gary
2 May 2016, 13:17
Mike GrantLooks great, the paintwork is especially good 👍
2 May 2016, 14:49