Argentine Air Force Lancaster B.1Affichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1April 30, 2016 2May 1, 2016 Commentaires30 April 2016, 21:25Clifford KeeslerI like it, well done. 1 May 2016, 00:01Choppa NuttaI like it too 🙂 1 May 2016, 08:43Thomas Bischoffgreat build - well done 👍 1 May 2016, 09:10Stephan Ryllwell done 👍 1 May 2016, 14:20ForestFanThat's nice and a bit different 1 May 2016, 18:01Łukasz GlińskiVery nice and rare view of a non-RAF Lanc - thx for sharing 🙂 1 May 2016, 20:11Christian KellerHi Chris, looks really good. I didn't know that Argentina owned some Lancasters 2 May 2016, 05:07Project infoRevell Lancaster B.12 images1:72ComplétéTous les albumsVoir tous les albums »