Stormovik on Ski's (COMPLETED)

This a quality kit from Hobby Boss, a joy to assemble 🙂 It's just a real shame that so much of the detail is lost to sight when the fuselage & wing halves are joined up 🙁 Some gun access hatches would have helped. Here is my progress so far...

Nice work so far, Dave. The pit Looks god! I remember reading Erich Hartmann and how he described to shot ´em down. He hated them because of the heavy armor. They where only vulnerable with a burst in the oilcooler.

looking awesome Dave, that cockpit is fantastic.
you too affected by the after-market modeller syndrome?😉

Thanks guys. @Spanjaard Yes, LOL, I suffer severely from the after-market syndrome 🙂

Instrument panel and cockpit in general are so real, great work.

More progress has been made. The interior & engine are complete and installed. Fuselage halves are joined up. Work is now focused on building the PE flaps. This is where I have made a HUGE mistake. Instead of removing the flap ribs, I have chopped of the entire flap DOH! I blame the dodgy Eduard instructions!

I've made mistakes in the past because of Eduard instructions (that's my excuse anyway), sometimes the black and white sheets aren't very clear. I've notice that the Eduard site has PDF's in colour that often make more sense.

Woah, this must be a huge plane! My 1:48th IL-2 is bigger than most 1:35th tanks that I have.

Hi David! No progress for a while as I have been seriously ill and have only just managed to get back to the bench. But now the wings & ailerons are on!

Thank you soooo much for your kind words gents, I caught the Flu & then suffered a pulmonary embolism, so it was serious shit. All is OK now although I'm still a little week. But nothing cheers me up like a visit to the bench.

That doesn't sound like a heap of laughs Noob. I would wish you a speedy recovery, if it didn't mean going back to work – maybe stretch your recovery time out a bit.😉

@gorbygould Thank you & LMAO! OK, time to re-attach the flaps that I should NOT have chopped off! Then I have added the external PE, dusted a coat of black on it so I can check the seems & surfaces.

After being primed she was coated in white then Maskol applied with a scouring sponge. Then MRP Russia green all over. Next was a random camo pattern of MRP Russia brown (darkened with black). Now I have to rub off the Maskol before a mist of white all over.

OK, so the Maskol has been removed and a white mist coat applied...

All the last bits n bobs have been added so It's Final Reveal Time....

Wow! I think that's your best yet. That maskol method has work out well and I'll keep it in mind for my future builds. Unfortunately the photos aren't up to your usual standards.
I hope you have now completely recovered form your health blip and are back up to full modelling fitness.

TKS Guys 🙂 I'm quite pleased with the result and my first attempt at the Maskol technique. @gorbygould I apologies for the drop in the standard of my photo's 🙁 I'm afraid I had only a small window of opportunity in between the rain showers 🙂 🙂

Thank you gents @Ensign Maskol is a liquid mask. Check this out: Youtube Video

Album info
The Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik was a ground-attack aircraft produced by the Soviet Union in large numbers during the Second World War. With 36,183 examples of the Il-2 produced during the war, and in combination with its successor, the Ilyushin Il-10, a total of 42,330 were built, making it the single most produced military aircraft design in aviation history, as well as one of the most produced piloted aircraft in history.
To Il-2 pilots, the aircraft was simply the diminutive "Ilyusha". To the soldiers on the ground, it was the "Hunchback", the "Flying Tank" or the "Flying Infantryman". Its post war NATO reporting name was "Bark".
The Il-2 aircraft played a crucial role on the Eastern Front. Joseph Stalin paid the Il-2 a great tribute in his own inimitable manner: when a particular production factory fell behind on its deliveries, Stalin sent an angrily worded cable to the factory manager, stating "They are as essential to the Red Army as air and bread. I demand more machines. This is my final warning!"