Greek fishboat "trehantiri" - ΜΑΡΩΜΠΙΛΙ (scratch)
Photo 1 of 10
16 March 2017, 18:28

This makes me dreaming of a nice trip to Greece! Well done mate. A very good use of an old mobile. I'll keep this idea in my mind. 👍
19 March 2017, 21:45

Very nice, I don't have to dream however, my tickets to Athens are already paid😉
20 March 2017, 09:52

Welcome boys. I had fishing before some years with that one of my friend. When he turned on the fish-light I saw the magig of the deep in night. It 's lovely type of boat.
20 March 2017, 12:11

Thank you my friends I will share and the plan to be usefull by anyone
20 March 2017, 19:51
Album info
I have a small piece of balsa and I decided to make a small trehantiri . The materials which I used are tooth pics. piece of mobile for the control instruments and for the fish light,wire,F-84F's jato tubes for the crane, wheel bases from spare parts,
small pieces of spaggeti for fishes, piece of metall for the propeller. I want also to make the sails, the flags and to paint a blue line to the deacon. Work in progress