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MIG-29SMT Trumpeter


2 19 February 2018, 11:03
Harry Eder
Another Mig-29 from Ronan! 👍 I have to watch this! 🙂
 19 February 2018, 12:20
Ronan Auteur
 19 February 2018, 12:22
Patrick Hagelstein
The pilot's stance is so cool! Really relaxed...
 19 February 2018, 15:54
Adam Gudynowski
Following 🙂
 19 February 2018, 16:59
Pilot posture and painting are excellent!
 19 February 2018, 17:02
Eric Duval
Chouette !!! 🙂
 19 February 2018, 17:25
Ronan Auteur
Thanks et merci Eric😉
 19 February 2018, 17:28
 19 February 2018, 18:00
Stephan Ryll
Very nice start with that 👍
 19 February 2018, 18:28
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
Good !!! Following
 20 February 2018, 10:11
Ronan Auteur
Decals step complete😉
 25 February 2018, 20:24
Harry Eder
Wow! 👍 You are very motivated 😄
 26 February 2018, 06:42
super !
 26 February 2018, 09:20
Eric Duval
Chouette 🙂
 26 February 2018, 17:43
Looks very good so far!
 27 February 2018, 12:59
very nice, beau travail, Ronan...but what are the paint ?
Gunze ?
 27 February 2018, 13:06
Ronan Auteur
Merci les amis😉
Pour la peinture , c'est du gunze bien sur 🙂
 3 March 2018, 20:06
Volmir Batista
Oh, man... great job ! very, very nice camo !
 4 March 2018, 18:35
Jos Jansen
Well done!
 11 March 2018, 08:32
Burkhard D
Looks great, even if the MiG-29SMT has this ugly hunchback 😄
 11 March 2018, 20:03
Great work!
 11 March 2018, 20:58
Ronan Auteur
Thanks mates😉
 11 March 2018, 21:15
excellent job
 11 March 2018, 22:56
Michael Phillips
Great work Ronan, she's a beaut!!! Colors look right on to me. I am glad you didn't over-weather yours like I did on mine LOL
 12 March 2018, 00:01
Eric Duval
Excellent 🙂 et il est encore plus joli en vrai😉
 12 March 2018, 09:59
Ronan Auteur
Merci Eric 🙂 il est bientôt fini, restent les deux paniers roquettes ...
 12 March 2018, 16:51
Harry Eder
You did a really beautyful Mig 👍
 13 March 2018, 09:45
Ronan Auteur
Thanks Harry😉
 13 March 2018, 18:18
Clifford Keesler
Very nice Mig Ronan,
 13 March 2018, 19:00
Zsolt Czegle
Great work (as usual) 👍
 13 March 2018, 19:16
Ronan Auteur
Many thanks , mates !😉
 13 March 2018, 19:36
Choppa Nutta
nice work 🙂
 14 March 2018, 07:46
Harry Eder
One question Ronan: did you shorten the undercarriage? I and Christian Wermuth disscussed the undercarriage in his Mig-project. It look´s that Trumpeter did it too long... On your pics I can´t see that problem
 14 March 2018, 07:54
Ronan Auteur
Yes Harry, the main gear legs are shorten 2 mm and the nose leg 1 mm😉
 14 March 2018, 08:00
Evgeny Brovkin
Super. Just ordered MiG-29SMT at shop for myself
PS: What kind of paint have you used ? and colours ?
 14 March 2018, 08:12
Ronan Auteur
Paint used is Gunze Mr color
Dark grey : h337
Light grey : h417
white-grey : white with a drop of h308 ratio : 5/1

Note : in the trumpeter kit the central fuel tank is not good for a SMT, i've took the zvezda one that is larger than the trumpeter ( good only for mig-29 (9-12), ub and (9-13)... )
 14 March 2018, 09:05
Evgeny Brovkin
Thanks! I'v got zvezda's kit. Without troubles with fuel tank (there are another troubles🙂)
 14 March 2018, 09:11
Roland Székely
Oo i like your plane holder
 14 March 2018, 10:30
good job !!
 14 March 2018, 12:38
 10 August 2018, 17:19
Aris Grey
Hello Ronan, another great model!

I would like to ask about the color codes. Where did you find those codes? Are personal estimation?

Do you know anything about these AKAN sets? Are they proper?
 26 October 2018, 10:50
Une "patte" reconnaissable! Très joli comme d'hab.
 26 October 2018, 11:15
Having that pilot in there is a nice touch 🙂
 26 October 2018, 13:13
I don't remember seeing the Mig 29 having this hump back, but perhaps there is a fuel tank there having been added to the design with time.
 26 October 2018, 13:14
Nicely done! I was tempted to think that this was a 1:48 scale kit. 🙂
 26 October 2018, 13:36
Patrick Hagelstein
That's the SMT version, it's only used in the Russian air force and not sold to foreign customers.
 26 October 2018, 15:55
Ronan Auteur
@Aris : the color codes are personal of course.
For the AKAN sets , i've tested one for my SU-34, and the colors are very good but the paint is very fragile and not easy to spray... in my opinion😉

Merci Pierre
 27 October 2018, 16:49
same opinion for me, Ronan...
 27 October 2018, 18:31
Aris Grey
Thanks @Ronan and @gtiery.

The acrylic 7x AKAN colors need to be thinned with water and retarder to give you good flow.

After digging my refs i found some bookmarks about the AKAN SMT colors:
 27 October 2018, 21:28
très beau travail, bravo !
 26 November 2018, 12:32
Ronan Auteur
 26 November 2018, 17:05
Clifford Keesler
Excellent job Ronan, a very nice looking Mig-29.
 28 November 2018, 23:17
i like !
 30 November 2018, 17:56

Project info

16 images
1:72 MiG-29 SMT Fulcrum [Izdeliye 9.19] (Trumpeter 01676)
Mikoyan MiG-29SMT Fulcrum-E (Izdeliye 9.19)
RU Военно-воздушные силы России (Russian Air Force 1992-2015)
4 Center of Combat Application and Conversion of Frontline Aviation RF-92232 21 Red
2012 - Lipetsk AB
FS36375 FS35237 FS36320

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