Lockheed F-104G Starfighter, 5 Stormo, 102 Gruppi AMI
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1 7 March 2018, 05:46
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1978 mold ESCI/ScaleCraft 1982 release kit # 4004, Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. Completed as a F-104G of Aeronautica Militare Italiana, 5 Stormo "Giuseppe Cenni", 102 Gruppi "Sagittario" based Rimini, Italy. Started and mostly completed as in 1985 with addition of scratch built hypodermic tubing/wire nose probe but finished in 2017 with vacuformed new canopy and final painting No photo etch or resin. Airbrushed Testors Model Master enamel and Testors lacquer clear coats. Kit decals allow seven (!) different aircraft. Typical ESCI engineering and average detailing for the era but easy assembly.