A Big Kingfisher
30 25 March 2018, 22:07

Hi Olly, THanks...Almost ready.. A few Decals left, a new Canopy is awaited and some little washing and
weathering...and of course some better pics.. Cheers DAniel
25 March 2018, 22:37

Very nice. I was just looking at the Supermodel kits in my stash (don't have this one though). They are actually rather good...
26 March 2018, 00:30

Wow, Thank you guys for the nice words .... Yes there are more pics - soon to follow..
28 March 2018, 14:16

What do you mean "hardly managed to do?" This Kingfisher is gorgeous, I would've loved to see the progress photos of this build in 2018 and a few more "glamour shots" of the finished bird! 🙂
13 May 2021, 11:24

Ohhh, very very nice Daniel. It is my most beloved triplane. I build the Airfix one in the 90-ties and still have it! Did you know it was in production in 1/48 scale some years ago.
9 October 2021, 21:52

Thank you all so much for your positive comments and Feedback for the "Alcione"😭Y)
They are very much appreciated 👍
10 October 2021, 19:56

Just like to say the camp work on that airframe is AMAZING !!!fabulous work.
10 October 2021, 20:04

Thank you very much David!
Your positive feedback is making me blush😉👍
13 October 2021, 22:49

Hi Bernd, i realized it with the good old Uhu Tac spot by spot 🙂
Thank you for your interest and nice comment.
14 October 2021, 15:27