Fw 190A-8
14 23 October 2018, 07:30

Hallo Neo, sieht sehr gut aus, bin mal gespannt wie es weiter geht. Viele Grüße Stefan
23 October 2018, 08:54

Moin! Na das sieht ja schon mal echt gut aus! Womit hast Du denn das blanke Metall an den Federbeinen gemacht? Bare Metal Foil? Alclad?
23 October 2018, 09:06

Ja das Modell ist komplett mit einem Nieträdchen abgerollert und anschließend verschliffen und poliert.
23 October 2018, 09:55

Sieht ziemlich prominent aus, aber wenn Farbe drauf ist, kommt das bestimmt gut. Also mir gefällt es, besonders das Cockpit.
23 October 2018, 11:13

Excellent build and top notch craftsmanship 👍. Love the rivets. And, welcome to Scalemates.
23 October 2018, 12:54

Nice build! What are you trying to tell us with the side by side shot of the two tail sections?
23 October 2018, 13:09

Hi, thanks for feedback!
@Wim, left one came from kit and has the profil of a wedge, not of a vertical tail fin. It's IMHO the „biggest" fault at this lovely kit.
23 October 2018, 13:33

Thank you!
@Bart: Flaps are part of the Royal Class Box 0012. You can order it separately too.
10 May 2019, 20:30

The final result looks amazing. The details all look great, I don't think I've ever seen anybody do the antenna wire inside the cockpit before....rigging those wires still looks like a dark art to me....could use a decent tutorial on that
11 May 2019, 08:09

just amazing I would love you explain how you obtain such an amazing result !
28 November 2020, 08:46

@Pierre, thank you for the positive response.
.. there are no secrets, the images should explain the steps are done.
28 November 2020, 18:23

wondering just the type of tool u used to have such precise rivetting actually it look extremely precise, as well as the chipping looks very subtle. but yes your pics a inspiring thanks for sharing
28 November 2020, 20:18

Ok, the riveter is a normal commercial tool, where you can buy at your scale-modelling-dealer. It's usefull to mark all the lines with a sharp pen, before you start rolling with the „riveter".
The chipping is done with help of chipping fluid from AK. It was first time to try with it. Scraping very carefully. ;o)
28 November 2020, 20:36

thanks for your reply. i hope you will post additional build, they are really inspiring.
28 November 2020, 20:44

I would have bought this for 1/48 without any suspicion, outstanding !
9 April 2021, 05:50