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Daniel Mysak (alfisti)
AT progress


1 25 November 2018, 18:14
Oleg Bogolei
nice! follow! and wip photos with coments if it is possible)
 25 November 2018, 18:57
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Welcome, the next pics will be with coments, not much to say about the first one 😉
 25 November 2018, 20:10
Interesting. Following.
 25 November 2018, 20:58
Łukasz Gliński
Me 2.
 25 November 2018, 21:29
Dietmar Kollmann
I take a seat. Ha,ha !
 26 November 2018, 12:14
Gordon Sørensen
 26 November 2018, 14:24
Daniel Mysak Auteur
The interior is finished, don´t payed to much attention to details which are not visible at the end. Started glueing the fuselage halfes together, needs some effort but could been worse.
 27 November 2018, 18:22
Harry Eder
I´m in too! Nice start 👍
 3 December 2018, 09:44
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Got some progress with the U-125. The fuselage and the wings are joined, they needed some more attention then the fuselage halves.
 17 December 2018, 17:10
 17 December 2018, 17:45
Łukasz Gliński
Great progress
 17 December 2018, 19:30
Bryn Crandell
Looking good so far. Watching this one!
 17 December 2018, 19:57
looking interesting!
 17 December 2018, 20:26
Thomas CONAN
Cool kit.😉
 17 December 2018, 20:36
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Thanks guys 👍
 18 December 2018, 11:55
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Today i sprayed the first color of th "Oceanic-Camo", Mr.Hobby C375.
 26 December 2018, 15:28
Daniel Klink
 26 December 2018, 15:36
I'm in too! A great amount of details in a small scale! 🙂
 26 December 2018, 16:16
Nathan Dempsey
I used to have one of these, but I traded it. Nice to see one being completed. I'll be watching for sure.
 26 December 2018, 18:29
Harry Eder
Nice progress Daniel! 👍
 26 December 2018, 19:18
Fantastic work so far.
 27 December 2018, 12:36
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Thank you guys, it´s nice to know there are some people watching 😉
 27 December 2018, 15:04
Felipe Belalcazar
very nice, i love the hawker jet - too bad you dont see them around more often.
 27 December 2018, 15:10
Graham Holmes
Daniel, nice work, love the added detail.

A question, do you think that it would be feasible to remove the belly radar and convert the kit to a regular Biz-jet version? I see this is as the only difficult bit, as the windows are no issue.
 2 January 2019, 15:11
Łukasz Gliński
That's a good question Graham, I also wonder whether Sword is going to issue any other versions...
 2 January 2019, 17:08
Daniel Mysak Auteur
@Graham @Lukaz I would be possible, but there will be a big gap to fill. A bit of work would then be necessary to get the right shape of this section. Maybe Sword brings a new fuselage, without radar, stiffener plates, correct windows,...
 2 January 2019, 17:39
Gordon Sørensen
Lookng at the sprue pics, it seems the rear half of the bottom radar fairing is molded into the bottom of the wing, so would need a new mold for that too... but everything else should be OK!
 2 January 2019, 18:45
Graham Holmes
@Lukasz @Daniel @Gordon, thanks for the responses. The pictures are most helpful and it looks like quite a bit of a job, but worth it. My brother in law worked on this version of the 125 for Beechcraft in Wichita and would love to make a model of it for him. He gave me a manufacturers model of the Hawker 1000, so worth the effort to convert this one for him. I love the looks of this plane.
 2 January 2019, 20:20
Daniel Mysak Auteur
After nearly a month since my last update the paint and decals are done.
 13 January 2019, 16:06
Nathan Dempsey
Coming along nicely.
 13 January 2019, 23:44
 14 January 2019, 06:58
Łukasz Gliński
Looks awesome in the ocean camo. Btw. Are the decals for '027' supplied in the box?
 14 January 2019, 07:28
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Thanks guys 👍
@Łukasz Unfortunately there are only decals for one grey and one blue(028) aircraft in the box, no spare to create other regs. I used some numbers from a Hasegawa T-2 Blue Impulse kit which thankfully @Harry Eder gave to me.
 14 January 2019, 16:52
Harry Eder
The decals were from the Platz T-2 Daniel 😉
 15 January 2019, 06:21
Łukasz Gliński
Thanks for the info guys. Does it mean this ocean camo is a whif?
 15 January 2019, 12:47
Daniel Mysak Auteur
No whif, 027 and 028 are painted in two different versions of the Oceanic-Camo.
 15 January 2019, 17:23
Bernd Korte
Unusual subject and nice camo!
 15 January 2019, 18:42
Łukasz Gliński
Thx Daniel, I find it very interesting 🙂
 15 January 2019, 20:48
Yes, very interesting 👍
 16 January 2019, 13:13
Alberto Michieletto
Very nice
 20 January 2019, 20:41
Alexander Grivonev
Nice detail work, great camouflage colors, great build! 👍
 21 January 2019, 06:20
Looking great, What paint did you use for the two blues? I like to see a civil version released too! Either a Hawker 800 or the 1000 version go well with all the Amodel Biz Jets.
 21 January 2019, 13:27
Daniel Mysak Auteur
@Glenn In picture No.23 you can see the color set from Mr.Color I used. It´s special for the Japanese Oceanic Camoflage and will fit perfect for a F-2 or Phantom but didn´t match the light blue of the U-125 at all. So I sprayed a layer of Tamiya Clear Blue on it to get a better result.
 21 January 2019, 14:38
 21 January 2019, 15:44
Daniel Mysak Auteur
I reached the finish line last week, the U-125A is done. Last things to do were some antennas, the landing gear, the wipers and the FOD-covers.
 13 February 2019, 18:34
 13 February 2019, 18:54
Daniel Klink
Impressive result Daniel 👍 Congrats
 13 February 2019, 19:01
Stefan Fraundorfer
Congratulations Daniel! A very nice model. I like the camouflage.
 13 February 2019, 19:02
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Thank you guys. I´m glad I allready finished the jet. I like the result although I am not completely satisfied with the build.
 13 February 2019, 19:12
Markus Antonius
it is so refreshing to see this little beauty - a welcome change to all those 109s (even though i like 109s)... 🙂 jasdf always nice to see 🙂
 13 February 2019, 19:16
Łukasz Gliński
Very cool build, Daniel, congrats
 13 February 2019, 20:20
Calvin Gifford
Lovely! I wish I had taken more photos of Japanese aircraft while I was stationed there!
 13 February 2019, 20:42
Nathan Dempsey
Cane out great! Love that camo.
 13 February 2019, 21:38
Harry Eder
Great build mate 👍
 14 February 2019, 07:15
Very nice. Congrats!
 22 February 2019, 13:33
Daniel Mysak Auteur
Thanks a lot for all your positive response. 👍
 22 February 2019, 15:56
very well done!
 25 February 2019, 22:13

Project info

66 images
1:72 Raytheon U-125A (Sword SW72119)

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